You Saved Me • Rupphire

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December 21st, 2016

Diffident (adj.): Modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence.


"Ruby!" Peridot yelled through the corridors of the ship.

"Coming!" Ruby rushed around the corner. She looked up at Peridot who stared blankly at her.

"I need you to guard one of our prisoners."

"Of course," Ruby said, "Which one?"

"The blue one who keeps singing," Peridot groaned, "Maybe if you're there she'll finally be quiet. It's so annoying."

Ruby nodded and gave a Diamond salute before walking away. She followed the sounds of singing. It really does sound beautiful, Ruby thought.

She walked past the different cells to check on the other prisoners. The lazuli was sitting quietly in a corner. The pearl and the amethyst were talking to each other but stopped when Ruby walked by. The quartz boy was still unconscious. That just left the sapphire.

Ruby didn't say a word to her and stood at attention outside the cell. Sapphire studied her for a moment before she began to sing again.

"You really shouldn't do that," Ruby stared ahead at the wall, refusing to make eye contact with the prisoner who just ignored her.

"I said stop,"' Ruby glared, "Unless you want Jasper to yell at you too."

"Jasper does not concern me," Sapphire said before singing again.

"Well she should!" Ruby could feel her hands growing warm in frustration. She sighed angrily, "I'm not even suppose to be talking to you. And you shouldn't be singing."

Sapphire sighed too and sat down quietly. Ruby was surprised she actually listened.

"Oh, uh...." Ruby blinked a few times, "Thank you?" It came out as more of a question.

Hours passed and neither had said a word when suddenly footsteps could be heard down the hall.

"Jasper!" Ruby greeted.

Jasper nodded as a hello and got right into business, "The other two we captured are being problematic. Peridot insists we shouldn't hurt them. She doesn't need to know about it though. You want to go this time?"

"M-Me?" Ruby's eyes widened, "Oh I, uh-"

"Great!" Jasper grinned, "I'll be in my room if you need me."

"Right..." Ruby watched as she left. Ruby leaned against the wall when she left.

"Do you really want to hurt them?"

Ruby jumped, forgetting Sapphire was there. She stared at her unsurely before trying a glare, "I shouldn't be talking to you."

"That didn't answer my question."

Ruby's face was heating up and she turned around to face Sapphire. "This doesn't" Ruby trailed off.

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