Homeworld Conditioning

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December 22nd, 2016

Antediluvian (adj.): Ridiculously old-fashioned.


"Pearl?" Rose called out, looking around.

"Coming," Pearl stood up from where they were sitting. They were in a wooded area, not far from where they found Garnet a few weeks ago. They had been hiding out there, training Garnet and planning their next moves.

Pearl had been sitting outside their cave when Rose called for her.

"What do you need?" Pearl asked.

"Garnet's future vision is doing well," Rose started, "Now that the two are working together they are very powerful."

Pearl nodded, "Yes her training is going well too. It's nice to have someone else on the team."

"Yes," Rose looked out at the horizon.

"Is something wrong?" Pearl asked.

"Garnet says she saw something," Rose explained, "In her visions. She said she saw a familiar ship landing not too far from here. I believe we should leave before it comes."

"Shouldn't we at least investigate it?" Pearl asked.

Rose shook her head, "No...it's most likely more soldiers or something similar."

Although it was likely, Pearl couldn't shake the feeling that Rose wasn't telling her everything.

"We'll leave by morning," Rose said and walked away.

Pearl volunteered to guard that night while Rose and Garnet talked strategy in the cave. When Pearl heard a loud humming noise she peeked her head inside to make sure the two weren't paying attention and made her way quietly towards the noise.

Staying hidden in the bushes, she looked through the darkness to see a green ship hovering over the forest floor. It was huge and shaped like a star. The door opened and a gem stepped out.

Pearl gasped as she saw the gem's face and immediately ran back to the cave where Garnet and Rose were looking around frantically.

"I told you this would happen," Garnet sighed as Pearl quietly walked towards them.

"Pearl where have you been?" Rose asked, "We thought you were-"

"Why didn't you tell me it was her?" Pearl glared at the ground.

"Pearl," Rose's expression softened, "Im sorry. But you really shouldn't have to deal-"

"You knew didn't you..." Pearl continued, "You knew it was her and you didn't say anything."

"I did it because you shouldn't be seeing her at all," Rose said, "I thought you wouldn't want to see her anyways. It was for the best."

Pearl shook her head, "No."


"We can't let her stay here," Pearl said, "Not if we might have a chance to do something about it."

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