Five Cups Of Coffee and Pure Determination • Rupphire

730 20 12

December 23rd, 2016

Torpid (adj.): Mentally or physically inactive; lethargic. Dormant, especially during hibernation.


Finals...Ruby groaned just at the thought of them. Hell week had commenced at Beach City High and Ruby was in no way prepared.

She walked down the hallway to her locker, yawning a bit. The bell had just rang and school was out. In two days the tests and stress started but Ruby had more important things on her mind.

"Sapphire," She smiled as the girl with bright blue hair came towards her.

"Hello Ruby," Sapphire greeted.

Ruby leaned against her locker, "You ready for this?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Sapphire sighed, "What about you?"

"Not even close," Ruby chuckled, "I'm completely screwed."

"You'll do fine," Sapphire pecked her girlfriend on the lips. Ruby held on for a second longer before pulling away. The two touched foreheads smiling.

"Thanks babe," Ruby smiled. Sapphire pulled away, shouldering her bag.

"Are you coming to the show tonight?" Sapphire asked.

"I'll try," Ruby massaged the back of her neck, "I'm suppose to be baby-sitting my siblings tonight."

"That's alright," Sapphire said, "Its not like you can come to every single one of my concerts."

"Is that a challenge?" Ruby raised a playful eyebrow, "Because I'm gonna be there."

Sapphire laughed, "If you say so. I have to go." She kissed Ruby on the check before walking away.

"Oh yeah!" Ruby yelled after her, "I'll be there! With flowers! And chocolates! And I'm riding in on a unicorn!"

"I'm holding you to that!" Sapphire laughed as she left the hallway. Ruby leaned harder on the locker, smiling deeply.

"Oh Sapphire!" A mocking voice said behind her, "Oh please, just take me away now!"

Ruby turned around glaring jokingly, "Shove off Army." Army lay in Eyeball's arms both dramatically posing. Doc was laughing in the corner.

"You two are adorable," Army laughed.

"Whatever," Ruby blushed hard, "Lets go." The four got into the car and picked up the others. Ruby and Doc were juniors and the oldest, being twins. Then there was Army and Eyeball who were only two years younger, also twins. Leggy was next, she was a seventh grader. Then there was Navy who was still in elementary school.

"Hey Doc," Ruby asked, "Is there any way you can watch everyone tonight?"

"No way," Doc said, "I have that calculus meeting tonight. It's your turn anyways."

"Ugh fine," Ruby groaned, "What are you nerds even doing up so late?"

"Planning to take over the world," Doc said with complete seriousness.

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