Why Don't You Talk To Each Other? • Jaspis

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Meretricious (adj.): Apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity.


"Are you sure about this?"

"I wouldn't of let you anywhere near her if I wasn't."

"What if she doesn't listen?"

"You'll be fine Jasper. Just remember why you're doing this."

Jasper nodded. She turned from the small green gem who had took her out to the field behind the barn to the blue gem sitting on the grass, facing away from the two. Jasper was almost positive she didn't even know the two were there.

"I don't know Peri," Jasper began to doubt herself, "Maybe this isn't a good idea. It's too soon."

"You had been stuck as a corrupted monster for months," Peridot crossed her arms, "I think you've had enough time for things to settle down."

Jasper didn't seem convinced.

"Hey," Peridot good-natured-ly raised an eyebrow, "Take a deep breath. You want to make it up to her, don't you?"

Jasper nodded, "Yeah-yes, I do."

"Then get out there," Peridot grinned. Jasper nodding her head, feeling a strange sense of determination. I can do this.

Jasper took one last look at Peridot who had already retreated back to the barn before walking towards Lapis.

The field was quiet mostly, except for the wind brushing against the corn stalks and the light sound of music coming from Lapis's direction. Once Jasper was close enough she saw Lapis was listening to something from a small box in her lap. Jasper was curious but decided she would ask about it later.

"Hey," Jasper says when she's close enough. Lapis didn't look up. Instead she sighed and pressed a button on the box, causing the music to stop.

"What do you want?" Lapis asked quietly.

Jasper gulped. She didn't think she'd get this far.

"I wanted to talk," Jasper said.

Lapis offered no reaction. She simply pressed another button on her box, music starting again. Jasper felt her annoyance beginning to fizzle inside her but she took a deep breath.

"Lapis," Jasper sighed, "We need to talk about what happened."

"Maybe you do," Lapis said, "But I don't."

Jasper stared at her, "I think you're friends would say otherwise. Peridot says-"

"Peridot," Lapis turned around sharply and took a deep breath continuing quieter, "...means well but she doesn't get it. And I don't need to talk so please leave me alone."

"You know you aren't as above this as you think you are," Jasper sat down in front of Lapis who kept her eyes down.

"Doesn't matter," Lapis said.

"It does to me," Jasper gave her a worried look, "We are the only ones who can understand what we went through...what we put each other through."

Lapis stiffened a bit, "What is there to accomplish by talking?"

"When we were down there, it was hell." Jasper ignored Lapis's question. "The constant fighting, feeling exhausted and all-powerful at the same time, the pulling and-"

"Shut up," Lapis clenched her fists.

"We both liked it and you know it. And when you finally gave in-"

"I said shut up." The water around the beach was getting rockier and the night seemed to darken even more.

"I miss her and I know you do too." Jasper stared at Lapis who still wouldn't meet her eyes.

"I'm not going to-"

"But I don't want to be Malachite."

Lapis faltered at that. Her eyes finally met Jasper's. "You don't?"

Jasper shook her head, "I've done enough fighting." Jasper subconsciously picked at one of the small green spots that had stayed on her skin after corruption.

Lapis noticed the movement.

"They say admitting things is important," Jasper continued, "Even if the things you have to admit aren't always good things."

Jasper sighed, "I think I'm always going to miss Malachite. And a part of me is always going to want to be her and...be with you. But it's not right. And I wanted you to know that I'm sorry I ever tried to force you to be that."

Jasper didn't know what else to say. Lapis slowly brought her eyes up from the ground to Jasper.

"What was corruption like?"

Now it was Jasper's turn to close herself off. Just the thought of her time as a corrupted gem made her feel like her skin was crawling.

"It was confusing." Jasper picked at her corruption scars. It only just occurred to her that those might never go away. "I was scared most of the time. Angry. The only thought I could process was the need to fight. And...I remember being was alone."

Jasper felt her posture slump as she stared at the ground.

"I never want to feel like that again."

The two sat there until the sun came up in the morning. They didn't talk much. Lapis listened to her music and Jasper made out what she could from the noise that escaped her earphones. Both were deep in thought, but for the first time comfortable with being next to each other.


Sorry for the short update but I felt like posting. I haven't been working on any of my published works lately because I've been so busy with schoolwork (in the summer of all times) and, of course, the sequel to my Rupphire fanfic Factory Reset which will hopefully be finished sometime soon. If you haven't read the first book yet, feel free to check it out.

Anyways here's...whatever this is. Short and simple. Hope you enjoy!


P.S. Happy Birthday to the amazing and talented Rebecca Sugar! 

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