Bound To Happen • Rupphire

753 22 17

December 27th, 2016

Abscond (verb): Leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection of or arrest for an unlawful action such as theft.


"Are you sure about this?"

"Totally," Amethyst assured her, "There is no way anybody is in that house tonight. We get in. We get out. No problem."

"I don't know," Ruby looked at her doubtfully, "This is a pretty fancy looking place. And this wouldn't be the first time you got us caught."

"Stop being a big old baby," Amethyst laughingly nudged her, "It'll be fine."

Ruby sighed and put on her mask, "If you say so."

"That's the spirit," Amethyst pulled on her mask too.

The two had been sitting in the back of a van outside a large mansion. Now they were very quietly making their way towards it, careful not to trigger any possible alarms.

Ruby bent down to the front door and began picking the lock while Amethyst kept a look out. When Ruby got the door to open she beckoned for Amethyst to follow and the two strolled into the house as if they owned the place.

"I'll take down here," Ruby said, "You go upstairs." Amethyst nodded and snuck up the stairs to the bedrooms while Ruby began investigating the kitchen and living rooms.

She went around and grabbed all the food she could see, a few pillows, and a small cactus plant and put them in her duffle bag. She then began searching for where the money was stored and lucked out when she found a safe tucked away behind the TV. Ruby managed to break in easily and stole everything there was. She was about to go upstairs when she heard sirens.

"You got to be kidding me..." Ruby saw the bright red and blue lights flashing outside the house.

Amethyst ran back downstairs to see what was happening.

"We have to go, come on-" Ruby began looking for an exit but it became clear they were surrounded. A large female police officer slammed open the door, taser at the ready.

"Freeze!" She yelled. She was tall, had long flowing hair, and a scar across her nose, "Put the bags down!"

With no choice the two dropped the bags and put their hands up. Ruby sighed sadly as the officer, now that she was closer Ruby could see her name was Jasper, arrested them and escorted them to separate police cars. Amethyst was stuck with Jasper. Ruby had a different officer with bright green hair driving her.

"You two never learn do you?" The officer sighed.

"Hello again Officer Peridot," Ruby grumbled. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time they had met.

"I thought I wasn't going to be seeing you again," Peridot raised an eyebrow as she looked at Ruby through the car mirror.

"And I thought I could grow up to be a unicorn," Ruby said sarcastically. Peridot rolled her eyes and drove in silence.

When they got to the station they were kept in separate cells that were across from each other.

"Hey Prisoner," A voice said behind Ruby.

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