A Crowded Christmas (Part 1)

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December 24th, 2016

Ebullient (adj.): Cheerful and full of energy


Steven rushed down the steps of his house to the beach where he was meeting Connie. It was the day before Christmas Eve and Steven was extremely excited.

"Connie!" Steven grinned when he saw her walking towards the house not too far away.

"Hey Steven!" Connie greeted.

"So?" Steven was nearly jumping up and down in excitement.

"So what?" Connie asked confused.

"The great news you had for me!" Steven said.

"Oh right!" Connie grinned. She handed him an envelope.

"My parent's are having a small Christmas party and want to invite you and your family!" Connie explained. Steven opened it to see a card with elegant handwriting on it:

The Maheswaran's are inviting you to their home for food, drinks, and entertainment on Christmas Eve.

"Wow," Steven breathed, "I gotta tell the gems. Can I bring them all?"

"Sure," Connie laughed.

"I'll be there," Steven said, "I have to go tell everyone. See you then?"

"See you then," Connie smiled and they both walked away.

Steven burst through the door of the house.

"Guys!" The Gems looked up from the furniture they were failing to assemble.

"What is it Steven?" Pearl asked.

"Connie's parents invited us to a Christmas party," Steven gave them the paper, "We have to go."

"Oh of course..." Pearl looked at the invitation unsurely.

"Are you sure?" Amethyst asked, "The last time we saw Connie's parents was kind of a disaster."

"We should go," Garnet said, "Connie's parents have been very kind to us and we should return the favor."

"Great!" Steven smiled before running off to the warp pad. He quickly appeared at the barn. Steven knocked on the door and Peridot opened it.

"Steven!" She smiled, "Come in. Hey Ja-" She looked up to yell before slipping on a can.

"JASPER!" Peridot yelled angrily. Jasper looked down from her spot in the rafters.

"What?" She called down.

"What did I say about touching my cans?!" Peridot yelled.

Jasper turned back to her magazine, "They were in my way."

"They were on the shelf!" Peridot glared.

"The shelf was in my way too."

"The shelf is on the wall!"

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