Worth Staying For • Lapidot

894 30 13

December 20th, 2016

Salubrious (adj.): Health-giving; healthy. Pleasant; not run-down.


It was a stormy night outside. Thunder rumbled in the distance and the sky was dark, hiding any bit of light that might've shown. The water rained down hard and cold.

Lapis shivered as she stood outside, staring up at the sky. Peridot had left to visit Steven and the others. Lapis decided to stay home but insisted Peridot go anyways.

Lapis was now regretting that decision. She had wanted some peace and quiet but now she just felt alone and cold.

Peridot probably wouldn't be home for a while but Lapis stood outside, staring at the warp pad anyways. She could always just warp to Steven's but she wasn't in the mood.

A few minutes passed before Lapis sighed. What am I doing?

She opened the barn door when she suddenly heard something that wasn't the booming of thunder or the rain pouring onto the ground. Lapis froze. It can't be.

"Lapis!" A voice called out.

No...Lapis thought, not again.

"Lapis what're you doing out here?"

"Leave me alone!" Lapis yelled out and began running down the hill. With every lightning flash that lit up the sky, another memory pierced through Lapis's mind. "I told you to go away!"

"Lapis, come back!" The voice was getting closer.

"No!" Lapis yelled. The storm was gradually worsening, "Get away from me!"

A hand touched Lapis's shoulder and she turned around with a fist made of water behind her, ready to attack.

"L-Lapis? What are you doing?" Lapis suddenly saw the figure for who she was, "Lapis, it's-its me. Peridot."

"P-Peridot?" Lapis backed away, the fist disappearing back into the puddles it was made of. Peridot stared at her with fear.

"Y-You need to leave..." Lapis choked, "I'm dangerous. You sh-shouldn't be around me."

"Lapis wait, it's ok I-" Peridot started but Lapis formed her wings and flew away.

"I'm sorry..." Peridot finished quietly as Lapis disappeared into the night sky.


"So she just left?" Steven asked Peridot. They were sitting inside the temple. It was morning but the storm was still raging on.

Peridot nodded weakly, "She seemed so scared. It's like she didn't even recognize me...I should've stayed with her. She had been acting weird all day. This is my fault."

"Hey," Steven put a comforting hand on Peridot's shoulder, "We'll find her."

Peridot looked at Steven, "How do you know that?"

"She couldn't of gone far," Steven said, "Do you have any idea where she might've gone?"

Peridot thought desperately but could think of nothing.

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