Jasper, Please Do Not Throw The Children

686 22 6

January 1st, 2017

Objurgate (verb): Rebuke severally; scold.


In all fairness if the gems hadn't wanted something to happen, they shouldn't of left the temple door open when they left for their mission.

I should probably be responsible and close that before they get back, Steven thought when he saw it as he walked in the house. He walked over to close it when he suddenly tripped over his own shoelaces, falling into Garnet's room with the door closing behind him.

"Ow," He instinctively said as he stood back up. He looked around. The room was the same as usual, filled with bubbles containing different gems.

Steven was about to leave when a certain one caught his eye. A small, long, orange gem that was tinted purple from Amethyst's bubble.

"Jasper..." Steven mumbled. He stared at it, memories of the Beta Kindergarten leaking back. Usually he would just push those thoughts away for another day but then he thought back to what Garnet and Connie had told him.

"You have to think about it..." Steven mumbled to himself. Memories of Jasper's corruption flooded into his mind. He shook his head, it was too much. Not noticing the tears falling from his eyes and onto his hands, he walked towards the bubble. If he could just hold it and tell himself there was nothing he could of done...

Even though he was so careful, the bubble popped the second he touched it. The gem fell on the ground already glowing and Steven scrambled backwards. Realizing what happened, he dived for the gem and touched it for a moment before he was flown backwards.

A large figure began to sprout from Jasper's gem and it almost seemed to glitch. For only a moment the figure seemed humanoid before its form turned into a mixture of beast and gem.

"J-Jasper?" Steven asked

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"J-Jasper?" Steven asked. She turned towards him. The body was about the same as it was in the kindergarten minus a few human limbs and her head seemed normal except the mouth and horns.

"Rose..." Jasper growled (quite literally).

"I'm sorry," Steven backed away, staring at her in shock.

Jasper prowled towards him, glaring insanely.

"Can't you see," Steven nearly begged, "I can help you."

"I already told you," Jasper lifted her arm above him, "I don't want help from you."

Steven had summoned half of his shield and Jasper was swinging her arm down when a force slammed into her, quickly poofing her.

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