Dear Self,
Things with Chuuya have been really great.
The other day he told me about receiving mysterious bouquets of flowers.
"I think I have some kind of stalker." He said.
"To be honest, I kind of like it. They make my day. I'm going to find out whoever is sending those flowers."
I smiled. I wanted to tell him it was me, but I couldn't. Not yet at least.
"What are you going to tell them?" I asked.
"I'm not sure yet."
I've been visiting Chuuya during his work hours. He keeps telling me to leave.
"Chuuya why do you keep telling me to leave?" I asked him one day.
"Does it matter?" He said, not giving eye contact.
"Of course it matters."
"I don't want you to see me in this stupid uniform." He said, still not giving me eye contact.
"Silly Chuuya. I think you look adorable in that uniform! You look like a little munchkin."
"Sh-Shut up Bakazai!" The short man said.
"Besides, I already took a picture of you." I said, showing him my wallpaper.
"You creep! Not only is taking the picture bad enough, but setting it as your wallpaper? That's crossing a line. Delete it!"
"Sorry Chuuya, I'm not deleting this beauty. I could use it for blackmail." I said, giving him a wink.
"Leave bastard!" He said, shooing me outside the door.
After that, I went to the flower shop. I bought a bouquet and placed it in front of Chuuya's apartment.
I can't believe he hasn't figured I'm the one giving him the flowers! I've been doing it almost every week ever since Christmas. I'm not doing it as much though. Mostly because I see him more often now.
I'm glad I'm friends with Chuuya again. Although, recently every time I'm with him, I get really nervous...
I'm not really sure what it is...
Confused Dazai----

dear self | soukoku
Fanfictionafter dazai sees chuuya at their old spot, things change between the former partners