"...I'm sorry." He said as he retracted his hand away from Chuuya's hand and walked out of the room.
- 3rd POV -
Little did Dazai know Chuuya had woken up conveniently right as Dazai initially entered his room. He had kept his eyes closed and just listened to Dazai as he did not know what to say in that moment.
Damnit Dazai, this isn't...your fault. Chuuya thought to himself after Dazai left the room.
Chuuya tried to get up but his entire body ached greatly. He could barely talk let alone walk. Crap.
Chuuya sat there, in his hospital room, with nothing but his thoughts.
One week later
After several days, Chuuya was finally released from the hospital. He had told his doctors and nurses to tell Dazai he was still unconscious if he tried to contact him or visit for "privacy reasons". But, in reality, Chuuya wanted to avoid the brunette because he genuinely did not know what to say to him.
To be honest, he wanted to just kiss his stupid face and tell him he loved him. But he couldn't just do that, could he?
What if he rejects me... What if he won't see me the same after what I tried to do...
So many scenarios ran through Chuuya's mind as he walked up to his apartment door and opened it. He opened it slowly half expecting Dazai to somehow be there. When he wasn't, Chuuya frowned and slowly walked into his apartment.
Chuuya immediately went to his bed to lay on it. With his back on the bed, his thoughts were filled with Dazai. He recalled the time when they first confessed to each other. That's when he realized, his still hadn't even kissed him!
I'm such a dumbass... After all this time he probably gave up on any future with us being together.
Chuuya looked to his right to see his untouched phone on his dresser. He grabbed it and started to look at his old texts with Dazai.
He smiled at Dazai's dumb and random texts to him. He missed being with him, a lot. Damnit.
After looking at the texts between them, Chuuya suddenly wanted to text him.
Hey Dazai|
Chuuya typed into his phone but immediately tapped the delete button. No, no, no. I can't just say that out of nowhere.
But he did want to see Dazai. Chuuya though to himself how he could approach Dazai. He couldn't bear not seeing him any longer. Chuuya impulsively got up and changed into a warm sweater, his large coat, and a scarf. He grabbed his phone from the dresser and ran out of his apartment to Dazai's apartment.
After sometime he had finally reached Dazai's apartment. With his sudden energy, Chuuya ran to Dazai's door and repeatedly knocked, loudly. "Dazai?! It's Chuuya! I'm alive!!" He said impulsively.
Chuuya waited. No answer.
Chuuya continued to knock and he waited for several minutes for Dazai to answer. Unfortunately, there still was no response. At this point, Chuuya was beginning to become worried.
"Dazai if you're in there, it isn't funny." Chuuya said.
With no more patience, Chuuya burst open the door with his ability. Chuuya looked everywhere in the apartment for the brunette but couldn't find him.
Chuuya thought to himself where he could be, and he had a sudden realization that made his stomach drop.
Immediately, Chuuya ran outside into the freezing cold air to where he thought Dazai would likely be.
- Dazai's POV -
I carefully looked below at the river below recalling the many times I had previously been here.
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Only a dumbass would return to the place that brought him so much pain. And yet, somehow I still felt at ease at this bridge. It would always be there when I needed it to be without fail. It was one of the things I knew that would not go away.
I took a breath in as the crisp, cold wind blew my hair.
Suddenly I heard someone say, "Dazai!" I turned to the direction of the voice. My eyes widened. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Chuuya who was running up to me.
"Ch-Chuuya?!? You're awake?!" I said in utter disbelief. "How did you-" Before I could finish my sentence Chuuya threw his arms around me.
"I love you." He said to me.
"Dazai, I'm sorry for not being able to say this sooner." Chuuya said as he slowly withdrew from the hug. "I've been a coward this whole time for not being able to say it. And it's not your fault for everything that happened. Please forgive yourself."
I was at a loss for words. I couldn't think so instead I leaned in and kissed Chuuya's lips.
a/n: here's what they're wearing!
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