25 | "just get in my bed"

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- Dazai's POV -

"Soon?" What the hell does that mean?

I start to analyze everything that's happened so far.

Let's see, first I get a weird text from Chuuya, then when I go to his house after he asked me to, he's not there. After that, I get these dead roses and when I ask Chuuya about it he has no clue what I'm talking about. And then I find this note...

Roses symbolize love... I received dead roses... A note that says "soon"....

Oh god, it can't be.


- Chuuya's POV -

I head straight for bed after talking with Dazai.

I lay on my bed, still in my work clothes, staring at the ceiling. My mind starts to wander.

I start thinking about what just happened with Dazai. What the hell was he talking about anyway? He should know I've been working all day. I'm pretty sure he has my schedule memorized. What a creep.

Anyways, why was he talking about flowers and texting him? And he asks me if I was drinking? He seems to be the one drinking.

After awhile I start to get sleepy. I turn off the lamp on the left side of me.

Right as I'm about to fall asleep I hear a noise. I ignore it at first but when I hear it a second time, I get up.

I walk toward the light and turn it on. I look around. Obviously there's nothing. I'm too tired for this crap. I start walking back toward my bed when I hear the sound once again.

I follow the sound. I walk closer, and right as I'm about to discover the source of the sound, the doorbell rings.

The sound of the doorbell startles me. I look at the clock. It reads 12:04 AM. Who the hell is ringing my doorbell at midnight?!

I hear the repetitive sound again several times as I slowly walk towards the door.

"Chuuya? Are you there?" A familiar voice says from the other side of the door.

I forcefully open the door and say "Are you kidding me?! Why the hell are you here bastard?! It's twelve in the morning you little-"

Before I realize, Dazai is hugging me tightly, causing me to cut off my sentence.

"What....are you doing?" I say, unable to figure out what's going on. He's probably been drinking or something. Maybe I've been drinking, that would explain what's happening. Or maybe I'm dreaming. No, no, I'm having at nightmare. Yeah, that's it. I'm-

"I'm glad you're ok." Once again, he cuts me off.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing happened right?" He asked, pulling away from our hug, looking concerned.

"Um yes something has happened! You come to my house, in the middle of the night, and start hugging me! What the hell is your problem?!"

He takes a deep breath, looking relieved.

"Have you been drinking?" I ask him.

"Definitely not."

"Why are you here?"

"Doesn't matter. Just come with me." He says as he grabs my hand.

"W-what are you doing?!" I say as my face gets hot.

"Please just come." He says as he gently pulls my arm.

"You do realize it's the middle of the night right?!"

He looks at the sky. "Ah, yes, it seems so."

I pull my hand away from Dazai. "Seriously Dazai, why are you here?"

He gives me a sad smile. The same smile from the hospital. "I was just being paranoid. Now please, just come with me."

"It's midnight Dazai, midnight. Can't I at least get some rest before you bug me? Honestly, I don't care anymore about why you're here. I just want some sleep."

"Just come with me." He says as he grabs my hand again.


"My apartment."

"Y-your apartment?!"

"You can get plenty of sleep there."

"Why can't I just sleep in my own apartment, where I live."

"Just in case."

"Just in case? What does that even mean?"

"Come on." He says as he pulls my hand once more.

"Fine." I give up. He probably won't stop bugging me unless I agree with him.


When he finally arrive at his apartment, he quickly unlocks the door and lets me in.

He seemed to be in some kind of hurry on the way here. Every now and then he would look outside the car windows. Is he being targeted or something? And why did he bring me into it?!

"I still don't understand why I couldn't just sleep at my house."

"Just because."

I sighed. He probably won't tell me what's going on. "Where am I going to sleep?"

He looks around. "Here?" He says, pointing to his bed.

"Y-your bed?! It's too soon!" I say, my face warmer than ever.

"What?" He takes a second to grasp what he just said. "Oh! Oh god, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking. I forgot you need your time." He grabs a futon from his closet. "I'll sleep on this and you can sleep in my bed."

It's not like that's any better. "I can sleep on the futon if yo-"

"It's not like you have never been in my bed before. Remember I put you in my bed when you were drunk?"

"It's not like you gave me a choice when that happened!"

"Chuuya, you're a guest. Just get in my bed."

Hearing those words from Dazai, made me extremely embarrassed. "Your cheeks are a bit red. Are you ok? Do you have a fever?" Dazai asked me. Great, he noticed.

"Whatever, I'm just gonna go to bed." I say as I reluctantly climb into his bed. This is all too soon.


- Dazai's POV -

As Chuuya slowly falls asleep, I climb into my futon.

Thank god they haven't gotten to him yet. I'll need to keep a very close eye on him. It seems whoever is targeting me is making their move.

But why would they warn me beforehand? Wouldn't that just ruin their plan?

Whatever. It doesn't matter. As long as Chuuya is safe.

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