24 | mysterious roses

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- Dazai's POV -

March 2

The sound of my phone wakes me up. I grab it from my desk and check it. It's a text from Chuuya.


From: slug
6:32 AM


i can't believe you're texting me so early

Where are you

in my house duh
where else would i be

Are you coming to my house later

uh well i wasn't really planning to
why? you want me to?


wait don't you have to work today?


i thought you said you did tho


are you ok?

Come to my house later

are you sure you're ok?



What the hell? Why did he reply with a rose? Has he been drinking again? He always acts weird when he's drunk.

I guess I'll go to his house later since he wants me to.


I walk to Chuuya's door. I give it a couple knocks.

"Hello? Chuuya?" I say. "Hello?" I say again, louder.

No reply. Why the hell did he have me come to his house when he wasn't even here?

I sighed. I guess I'll come back later.

I walk away from Chuuya's apartment and go to the familiar flower shop. The rose that Chuuya sent early reminded me of the shop, so I thought I might as well stop by.

"Hello." I say with a wave as I walk in.

"Welcome." The cashier replied.

I walk around the shop, looking at all the beautiful bouquets of flowers.

"Excuse me, is your name Dazai by any chance?" I hear someone call from somewhere in the shop.

I follow the sound. I end up by the cashier.

"Hi. Sorry, um, is your name Dazai?"

"Yes, why?"

"Um, well someone left these flowers for you." She said, handing me a bouquet of flowers. They're dead roses.

"Are they supposed to be dead?"

"Actually, I'm not sure why they're dead. I put them in the right place when the person ordered them for you."

"Who bought these?" I said. I felt uneasy holding the bouquet. Something felt wrong about them.

"I'm not sure. The person called our store and bought them by phone call."

Who bought these? Chuuya maybe? Is this why he sent me a rose when we were texting? Why are they dead?  "How did you know my name?" I asked.

"The caller on the phone said your name as well as what you look like."

"I see." I reply.

"Sorry about the inconvenience. I wish I could give you roses that are alive but it's against our policy to switch already bought flowers."

"It's fine." I say as I walk to the exit.

I looked at the roses. Maybe it was from Chuuya. Roses symbolize love after all. But was it just a coincidence that he bought me flowers? Did he find out I was the one giving the bouquets?

I don't know, but something about the roses didn't sit right. I felt nervous holding them.

I walk back to my apartment thinking about the strange bouquet of roses.


It's 7 PM right now so Chuuya should be getting off work. I'm gonna go give him a visit and talk to him about it.


As I arrive at his apartment, I see Chuuya unlocking his front door.

"Hey." I say walking towards him.

"Hey Dazai... What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to ask you if you sent me flowers earlier."

"Flowers? I was at work all day, how the hell would I be able to send you flowers?"

"I thought you said you didn't have work today."

"I never said that."

"Yeah you did. When you texted me, remember?"

"Dazai, I haven't been on my phone all day. I've been working the entire day."

"Are you sure?"

"Why are you asking me so many questions?! I just got back and I'm tired as hell."

"Did you drink last night by any chance?"

"I haven't had any alcohol since you found me at the bar. Now leave me alone. I'm tired."

"Alright. I'll leave now. Night." I say, as I walk very fast away from him. I hear his front door shut as I walk away.


I haven't laid my eyes off of the roses ever since I got back from Chuuya's apartment.

If these weren't from him, then who the hell would send them?

As I continuously look at the roses, I notice something sticking out of the bouquet. A note maybe?

That's strange. I could've sworn they weren't there before.

I reach for the note and read it.

"Soon." Reads the card.

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