38 | white chrysanthemums - end

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Dear Self,

The amount of joy I've been feeling is perhaps more than I've felt in my entire life. Recently, I've haven't been thinking any dark thoughts at all which is, well, new. Chuuya is responsible for that.

He's been staying at my apartment every other day. He still works at the coffee shop and I usually visit him when I start to miss him or get bored.

He still gets embarrassed when I see him in his uniform! I think it's so cute.

Thankfully, we've had no threats since the Fyodor incident. Of course, I do
get anxious from time to time. But I had to remind myself that I can't be waiting for around for something bad to happen and instead, simply just move on with my life. With Chuuya.

I'm finally...happy.


To: slug <3
1:08 PM

hi chuuya

I'm at work rn
What is it?

i just
miss u

I...miss you too
But I have to get to work

one more thing

have fun at work, chuuya <3

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have fun at work, chuuya <3

You dummy
I'll see u later


The hours felt like an eternity as I waited for Chuuya to finish his shift at the coffee shop. Sure, perhaps I could be doing something productive to pass the time. But after visiting the Agency and annoying Kunikida and Atsushi to the extreme, I decided to simply wait for Chuuya.

Now that I think about it, I got surprisingly bored rather quickly when trying to bother them. Perhaps the change between Chuuya and my relationship has changed my interests? All I can really think about is him.

The hours slowly passed by.... Until....


Two knocks at my door had me woken up from my sleep. Wait. When did I take a nap??? Did I really become tired after waiting for Chuuya?

"Dazai? You in there?" I heard Chuuya's voice from the other side of my door.

My eyes lit up with joy the moment I realized it was his voice. I quickly ran to the door to open it. "Chuuya!" I said as I embraced him.

He softly chucked as he followed suit. "You're just like a puppy mackerel."

I smiled at him. A genuine, happy smile. Finally.

I opened my apartment door in attempt to welcome him inside. He looked at me and grinned. "Actually Dazai, I have a surprise for you. But we need to go to my apartment."

A surprise?? "Oh so calling wasn't an option?" I jokingly replied.

"I wanted it to be...genuine. I feel like simply calling you would spoil the mood." He slightly blushed with his cute embarrassed angry face.

Oh my god! I just want to hug him!

I refrained myself (with great pain) and replied with, "We can take my car! It's a bit small of course but we both know you'll fit. I grinned.

"Tch. You never fail to annoy me despite how much I love you."


We arrive at his apartment half an hour later. As we reach his door he surprises me as he softly says to me, "...Close your eyes." I did as he said as my heart skipped a beat.

With my eyes closed, I hear Chuuya unlocked his door. I feel him take my hand in attempt of leading me into his room.

"Okay...open them now." I slowly open my eyes after he finished his sentence.

I'm greeted with his apartment fully decorated with candles placed throughout. The lights are dim and his table has a red tablecloth placed over it overlapped with plates and more candles.

Before I can respond, Chuuya begins to speak. "...I..got these for you, Dazai." He hands me a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. The flowers in which represent love and loyalty.

"Didn't want to get the roses...bad memories."


"Yes, Dazai. I know it was you who began giving me those flowers back then. Maybe I always sort of knew.....deep down. I mean you didn't really hide it when you "secretly" got me red camellias back when I originally gave some to you after you got shot."

I was at a loss for words. He...knew? Why didn't he tell me.

"Mackerel suddenly you don't know what to say?" He softly chucked as he took my hand and approached closer to me. "To be honest, I recently connected the dots. After the whole rose incident I took time to reflect, and realized who else but you?"

He spoke again, "I wasn't surprised when I came to the realization. I want to tell you I'm thankful for the fact that you bought me the bouquets. I never told you how much it meant to me..."

I couldn't take it anymore, and immediately embraced him passionately. "Chuuya, I really do love you. I always have."

He put his arms around my body. "I recalled the times when we were partners as well... All the times I've bothered you the most...Perhaps it goes with the saying of how attention is the most basic form of love."

"Chuuya...would you..be my partner once again, together until the end?"

"You dummy, of course I will."

He took the initiative and kissed my lips as he used his tippy toes to reach them. I lowered myself to accommodate.

We stayed there for awhile.


I finally had my partner once more.



the end is finally here!! it's been a ride
i don't know how i stuck with this story for almost 4 years now...but somehow i did!

i never thought this would last this long, but i'm glad i stuck with it to the end haha

thank u all for reading <3

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