32 | searching

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- Dazai's POV -

It had been quite some time since I last parted with Chuuya. My body still ached in pain but that was the least of my worries.

Where could they have taken Chuuya? This question would constantly end up in my mind along with other questions.

As my thoughts grew deeper, I started to become lost in my thoughts. Have they been playing this from the start? Why do all this to capture Chuuya? Isn't it me they're after? They did shoot me after all.


After what seemed like an eternity, I was able to slightly walk again. Now how am I going to find Chuuya? He could be anywhere in this city!

Calling the Armed Detective Agency was out of the question. I am not going to let them see me in this pitiful state! They'll constantly bully me! Especially Kunikida. I'll never hear the end of it.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me. "Oh? How can I help you?" I said aloud without attempting to turn.

"Seems you're looking for your pet. Need some help?" The voice said.

"Heh. And how would you be able to assist me?" I turned, facing the man. Facing me was the face of the one called Ivan.

He smiled. "Fyodor requests your presence. I suggest you do what he says." He took out his phone showing me a picture of Chuuya unconscious.

Anger filled my entire body. These bastards. I tried to compose myself, not letting him have the satisfaction of hurting me. "Oh my! That's a nice picture you have there! Mind sending that to me? I've been needing a new lock screen."

Ivan gave an irritated look to me. Suddenly a large rock flew past me, nearly hitting my head.

"Next time, I won't miss. You're coming with me whether you like it or not."

"Tell Fyodor not to lay a hand on his head. I know who he wants is me." I said to Ivan.

He smirked at me, as if he were hiding something. "Alright, alright. Let's get going."


After sometime, we finally arrived at an abandoned building. "Here we are." Ivan said.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the dark entrance of the building. "Ah, I see our guest has arrived!" A familiar voice, the voice of Fyodor.

"Where is he?" I practically screamed at him.

"What fun would that be if I told you? Hmm?"

"I know who you want is me. Let him go. He isn't apart of this." I told him, anger consuming me.

"True, your nullification ability is quite annoying. Having you disposed of would make my plan easier. But who said that he wouldn't be necessary?"

"What the hell are you talking ab-" Before I could finish, something large had hit me from behind.

Ivan walked in front of me. "Told you I wouldn't miss."

Darkness consumed me.


I woke up to a cage surrounding me. My hands and feet were tied together. A blanket covered the cage preventing me from seeing the outside of the cage.

Suddenly the blanket was lifted. I was greeted by Fyodor. The room surrounding us looked similar to a theatre. To the right of us, there was a large stage.

"Where is he?!" I shouted at him. "What do you want with him?!"

"Quite eager I see." He smiled. "Don't worry your beloved Chuuya is near."

The curtains covering the stage suddenly opened, revealing another covered cage. One of Fyodor's men pulled off the blanket revealing a figure.


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