Chuuya wakes up to repetitive alerts from his phone. He gets up to check it. Of course, Dazai is texting him.
From: Mackerel 6:24 AM
hello chu chu train guess what day it is wow ok ignore me then it's movie day btw
Why the hell are you texting me at 6 in the morning
hmm i guess because... i can
You woke me up from my beauty sleep I am not happy
sorry i woke you sleeping beauty but today is a very important day i picked a very good movie to watch
Don't tell me what it is
what why
I want it to be a surprise
you want it to be a surprise? well this is different
It better be a good movie
it is ;)
Can I go back to sleep now
i guess but you better not be late come at 11
Yeah yeah I know
see you later chuuya
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Chuuya woke up three hours later. Although he wanted to sleep in more, he had to get ready for Dazai's movie day.
To be honest, Chuuya was still shocked after what happened the day before. He still couldn't believe Dazai had confessed to him. Hell, he couldn't even believe he confessed himself.
He didn't know what would become of his relationship with Dazai. Would they still be friends? Would they be more than that?
Guess he had to find out to be sure.
Chuuya got up from his bed and got ready. After he finished, he started wondering if he should bring something to Dazai's apartment.