28 | the precipice vs for the tainted sorrow

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my edit ^^^ (the cover of this chapter)
ok but I didn't intend for it to look good but it actually doesn't look that bad??

also!! I'll be using first names when it comes to talking to each other
I'm not sure how the san, kun, etc. works and I don't want to write it incorrectly
hopefully that's okay
anyways, carry on


- Dazai's POV -

He wore a crazed smile. Before I could look any further at his features, a rock structure came flying into me.

I landed about 50 feet away. I could hear Chuuya's concerned scream from afar, "Dazai!"

My head and mouth were bleeding due to the sudden hit of rocks. I tried to get up, but it was more difficult than I thought it would be.

I tried a second time. As I got up, I could feel extreme pain in my right ankle.

It'll be hard for me to participate in this fight. I can barely walk.

As soon as I can somewhat stand, and my vision clears, I see Chuuya running towards me.

"Dazai! Are you okay?!" Chuuya saw I was bleeding from numerous areas. "Oh...no."

"I'll try my best to back you up, though I can't really walk." I coughed blood.

"Damn it!"

"Seems you went quite far." I look up to see the man who hit me with his ability on top of his rock structure. The bald man was on the ground grinning.

"Damn you!" Chuuya said. He started to levitate up along with large pieces of rubble and rocks from the ground.

"That's quite the ability." The crazed man said as Chuuya prepared himself to strike.

"You haven't seen nothing yet." Chuuya grinned as the levitating rubble started attacking the man.

The man was consumed by the rubble. Chuuya smirked. "That's what you get."

Suddenly, the man emerged from the rocks. "He said you would be trouble to defeat." The man said, laughing like a mad man.

"Who the hell are you talking about?" Chuuya asked, annoyed.

The man continued laughing.

All of sudden, Chuuya ran to the man to punch him using his strong gravitational force. Right in the nick of time, the man stopped his fierce punch with several layers of large rocks. He then used the rocks to hit Chuuya.

Chuuya flew several feet away, like me, but luckily he stopped himself from heavy impact. "Chuuya!" I said. Once again, I tried getting up. My ankle was refusing. I felt absolutely powerless to help.

Chuuya wiped blood from his mouth, grinning. "No need to worry mackerel. Just sit tight." He looked back to the man. "That all you got?"

The man laughed once more. "You really do entertain me boy."

"How much longer Ivan?" I heard the bald man say from below. I had completely forgotten he was there.

"Just a little longer. I need to make I sure I do a thorough job." The bald man looked annoyed, but stayed where he was.

Chuuya smirked. "A thorough job eh?" Suddenly, gravitational orbs appeared from both of his hands. He threw them towards the man called "Ivan".

Ivan smiled. Why did he look so happy? There's no way he can evade those orbs.

Just before Ivan could be swallowed up by Chuuya's power, rock walls with layers upon layers appeared surrounding Ivan. Chuuya's orbs hit the many layers of rocks and there was a giant explosion.

Because of the heavy force, I was swept off my feet. As I tried getting back up, I could see smoke from the explosion. It was hard to see clearly what was happening. "Chuuya?" I said in hope he would hear me.

No response. I doubted he would hear me anyway since I'm so far from him. The explosion made the odds of him hearing me worse.

Suddenly, I saw Chuuya emerge from the smoke. I become ecstatic. He's okay. "Chuuya! You're oka-"

Chuuya coughed up blood. He looked at me and began slowly walking towards me.

He looked extremely injured. The fact that he's able to somehow walk is insane. "Chuuya don't! Your injuries!"

He continued to walk towards. I tried walking towards him as well, but my broken ankle was preventing me. "Chuuya stop! You'll get more hurt!"

"Da...zai..." Chuuya said slowly, walking at an even slower pace.

"How pitiful." Ivan said from afar. I looked at him. He had no injuries. How did he survive? Chuuya's black holes should have killed him. And how did Chuuya's own attack backfire?

I looked back at Chuuya. "Chuuya...stop. Please."

He wasn't far now. I dropped to my knees and tried crawling towards him. Somehow it made the pain worse. Even so, I beared the agony and very slowly crawled towards him.

Chuuya and I were a couple feet away when Chuuya suddenly stopped. He coughed blood and said, "I'm....sorry..." He fell to the floor. "Chuuya!" I tried crawling faster towards him. The pain was becoming unbearable.

I finally reached him. I cradled him in my arms. "Chuuya. Why? Why would you worsen your injures?" I leaned my forehead against his.

"Now we can't have that can we?" Ivan said. "Alexander, it's time."

"Heh. Finally." Alexander said.

Suddenly I felt immense pain all throughout my entire body.

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