33 | corruption

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- Dazai's POV -

"Ch-Chuuya!" I scream at the top of my lungs. He's unconscious and doesn't look physically harmed.

"Let him go Fyodor." I demand.

"That would ruin the fun!" He responded. "Ivan if you will." Ivan nodded and started walked toward the cage. He unlocks it and pulls Chuuya out. Ivan unties Chuuya's hands and feet.

"Are you ready for the show?"

"What the hell are yo-" Before I can finish my sentence, I'm interrupted by a loud crashing sound. I look over and see Chuuya standing.

"Chuuya! Are you alright?! Say something!" Chuuya doesn't respond.

"Chuuya?" I say. He finally looks at me tears filling his eyes. "I'm sorry." He says softly.

"Chuuya what are you talking about? Stop joking and help me out here." I say, trying to hide my discomfort. Something's not right... Suddenly he starts mumbling to himself.

Crimson red lines start to take shape around Chuuya's body. It can't be.... Corruption?!

"Chuuya stop! I can't stop you if I'm in the cage! Chuuya!" My cries are ignored as the crimson red wraps around Chuuya's body.

Suddenly I see Chuuya grin. He starts laughing like he's gone mad. He raises his left hand and a red sphere appears hovering over his hand. He raises it and throws it in my direction, nearly missing me.

"Chuuya stop this please!" My voice cracks. I know it's useless, he'll never hear me in that state.

"Let me out of head you bastard!" I yell at Fyodor. I look to my right and see no one there. They must have escaped knowing the damage Chuuya will bring. Cowards.

I attempt to kick the steel cage to set myself free. Of course, it doesn't help at all.

"Chuuya get a hold of yourself! Stop this! You're going to die if this keeps up!"

Hearing my voice he glances in my direction. He throws another red sphere and starts walking to my direction.

How is this possible? He's not supposed to be aware of his surroundings... I ignore my inner thoughts and say, "Chuuya?"

He finally reaches the cage I'm captivated in. He crouches down. "Chuuya? Is that you?" I ask without thinking.

He grins. "Heh." He puts both his hands on the bars connecting the cage. The cage shakes and is instantly thrown to the other side of the room, carrying me with it.

The cage crashes and breaks due to the immense force from Chuuya. The impact also results in my injuries from before to worsen along with new wounds to form. Blood falls from my head.

I'm finally out of the cage, but with these injuries, touching Chuuya will be nearly impossible. Unless...

I attempt to stand, ignoring the pain coming from my wounds.

Chuuya rapidly throws several spheres once again, continuous laughing.

I start walking towards him, coughing up blood. "Chuuya...stop, please." I say weakly.

He starts throwing spheres in my direction, somehow nearly missing me. I continue to walk toward him slowly.

Finally, we're several feet apart. "Everything's going to be fine." I say, giving him a forced smile.

He plunges towards me. He reaches me, and in attempt to forcefully push me, he touches my chest.

I gently touch his arm. "It's alright now. Rest, Chuuya." I say to him. A tear falls from his eye before the crimson red retreats from his body. He loses consciousness and falls. I catch him just in time. However, due to my wounds, I don't have the strength to hold him.

We both fall to the ground. I lay on my back against the cold stone floor. Chuuya is on top of me, unconscious. I put my hand gently on his head. "See? I told you everything is alright." I say weakly to him, knowing he can't hear me.

My body is at my limit. The pain becomes extremely apparent. I slowly find it difficult to keep myself awake.


Drowsiness takes over. As I close my eyes I hear the doors slam open and footsteps running towards me.

"Dazai!" Is the last sound I hear before darkness fills my vision...


im sorry for the inconsistent updates
im just really lazy
anyways hope you enjoyed!

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