19 | two hypocrites

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Kiya is an original character from chapter 13 of this fanfic if you didn't know
carry on :)))


- Chuuya's POV -

February 8

"Well... uh yeah." I reply nervously with my hand behind my head. What will he think of me? He'll probably just make fun of me. I'm only doing this to prove what I feel for him isn't real.

What am I saying? Of course it isn't real. Dammit. He wasn't supposed to know.

I start telling him how we met quickly so he won't laugh at me. Kiya explains with me. After awhile I let her do the talking. I look at Dazai.

He doesn't look at either at us. He stares at the ground, seeming to have trouble breathing.

What's wrong with him?

"I gotta go." He says quickly as he races to the door.

"Wait!" I say as he leaves.

What just happened?

"I'm gonna go after him." I say to Kiya as I head to the door. "Can you watch the shop for me?"


I run after Dazai think about what on earth just happened.

Maybe his wound started hurting him? But he seemed fine before...

I realize that I have no idea where he went. I take a guess and head to the park.

When I arrive, I look around the park. Of course, he isn't there.

That's when it hits me, he's probably at his apartment. Where. He. Lives.

I do a mental face palm and run toward his apartment.

As I arrive I reach for the door knob. It's locked.

"Dazai? Are you in there?" I say as I pound hard on the door.

No answer.

"C'mon I know you're in there. Please, just open the door." I say, not as loud as before.

No answer.

I sigh. He's definitely not opening the door. "Fine then." I say, leaving.

I'll just come back tomorrow. He should be fine by then.


February 9

I look at the clock. It's 4:59. Just one more minute...

5:00. "I'm heading out." I say to the manager. I exit the coffee shop.

I walk swiftly to Dazai's apartment. Hopefully he'll be there.


Once again, I knock on the door. "Dazai?"

No answer.

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