Chapter 1

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Shannon's POV

For as long as I can remember I've been living in the boring, rainy, cold city of Manchester. Both of my parents are from Northern Ireland and I was born there but we had to move as my dad got transferred here for work. I live in a quiet suburb not far from the city centre and I'm studying art at college.

My best friend is the girl that lives right next door to me called Dana. We were only kids when we met one winter's day, I was about 9 years old and Dana was 8. We were both only children and we were in our front gardens trying to build snowmen. I saw Dana struggling to roll the body of her snowman to make it bigger so I decided to help her. From that day on, we have been inseparable as we went to the same school and everything.

We are now 18 and 19 years old and things are pretty much the same, still living with our parents in the same houses on the same street. I guess we just got older and maybe not so much wiser. I have now finished my degree in college and trying to pursue my dream of becoming an artist. Dana is now at college studying music and busks regularly in the city and makes a decent amount of money for herself as she doesn't work. She's really talented.

Now summer has just begun and Dana is on her break from college and I'm currently working from home in my so called studio which others might call a garage. Work is quite steady for me as I've gotten enquiries about designing logos and painting pictures to be hung in new small businesses that are opening in the city.

It's 6pm and I've just shut the studio after a long day. I drag myself upstairs and plonk down onto my bed.

"What a day." I think to myself as I scroll through Twitter and all of a sudden I get a phone call from Dana.

"Hello." I answer tiredly.

"Are you home? Can I come over? Actually, I don't care I'm coming over anyway!" Dana practically screams down the phone.

"What are you so excited about?" I reply as unenthusiastically as you could imagine. It's been a long day.

"Just wait and see." She replies and I hear it both through the phone and in person as she walks through my bedroom door.

I hang up my phone and sit up on the bed. "That was quick." I say.

"Well we do live next door to each other, duh!" Dana replies sarcastically as she sits on the end of my bed.

"Shut up!" I laugh and throw a pillow at her. "What is it you want to talk about anyway?"

"This!" She says handing me a flyer for a new reality TV programme called 'Diva Wars'. It's bright pink with really big font and pictures of girls on it that look like they are out of Mean Girls.

"What am I looking at right now?" I ask as I'm too tired to function.

"A new TV show that we're auditioning for!" Dana squeals excitedly.

I look at her "Sorry what? Dana you know I'm the shyest human being on this earth. The last place I want to be is on TV! How do you even know it's legit?"

"Shan, this could be our chance to get our names out there and have a shot at doing what we've always dreamed of since we were kids! It's the same woman that produces most of the other reality shows we watch! Please audition with me!" Dana gushes.

"What is the show about anyway? To me it looks like the real life version of Mean Girls. I'm not sure I'm up for that." I laugh.

"It's a show about regular girls with different talents and they are put into teams with other girls with different talents and they have to work together to complete challenges and stuff. The winning team gets £100,000 to split between them and we get paid for being on the show every week! It looks pretty fun if I'm being honest." She explains sounding excited.

"It does sound pretty good to be fair" I say warming to the idea. "The money would be good right now too. We might not even make it through the auditions though. When are they anyway?" I ask while putting my hair into a ponytail.

"That's the thing, they're in two weeks in London." Dana says with a hopeful look on her face.

"Two weeks?! London?!" I exclaim and Dana looks at me anxiously.

I sit back on my bed against the wall thinking about this bizarre idea. A smile creeps onto my face.

"Let's get started."


So guys! That was the first part I really hope you enjoy it! Let me know your thoughts in the comments :)

Shannon x

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