Chapter 16

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Dana's POV:

We've just finished watching our second movie, that us girls picked which was Mean Girls. I think the boys secretly liked it.

"Babe?" Mikey says looking at me.

"Yes darling?" I say looking at him smiling.

"Since we haven't seen each other in a while I was wondering if you wanted to go to the nature park for a walk, it's a nice night." He asks.

"Mikey I'd love that!" I reply, sitting up excitedly.

"Yay! Let's go then!" He says getting up and putting shoes and a coat on and I do the same.

"We're out of here guys! Later!" Mikey shouts.

"Ooooh!" Hannah replies.

"Not like that Hannah!" Dana says laughing.

"Bye guys." Brooklyn says as he plays with Rebecca's hair.

"Bye." The rest of them chorus.

Mikey and I arrived at the nature park, it's just about to get dark. It's such a nice night for a walk, not too cold. We walk around the lake a couple of times and decide to stop at the play area for a while. We swing side by side on the swings.

"I've missed you so much you know Mikey." I say looking at him, the moonlight shining on his face. He really is beautiful.

"Babe! I've missed you too, come here." He says looking at me and patting his knee. I go over and sit on his knee and we swing together, I rest my head on his chest and he kisses my head.

"I wanted to come over so many times to see you or at least call you but I knew you boys are so busy at the minute." I tell him.

"Dana, look at me." He replies sounding concerned. I look up at him.

"You know that you can come over or call me anytime. I will always have time for my lady, don't you ever think that I don't have time for you. I would do absolutely anything for you." He tells me, looking me straight in the eye.

"Aw Mikey, I love you so much. I would do anything for you too." I reply and kiss him on the lips.

He kisses me back and smiles: "I love you more."

"Maybe we should be getting back, it's starting to get cold." I say.

"You're right, let's go babe." He says taking my hand and we journey back to the flat.

Shannon's POV:

Okay, so it's been over 24 hours since I left my little experiment in the storage room. I am dying to see what happened but I need an excuse or a chance to leave but I'm wrapped up in Andy's arms.

"Are you okay babe? You're moving around quite a lot." Andy questions.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a bit cold, I'm going to go grab a jumper." I lie, trying to make up an excuse to leave for a second.

"You should have said." Andy sits up and I sit up, climbing down from his bunk.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"To get a jumper, you dingbat. I just said that." I laugh.

As I'm about to leave the boys room, something lands on my head and I'm in complete darkness.

"What the hell?" I say, struggling and unwrap myself. I get it off and see Andy looking at me from his bed, laughing.

"Have one of mine" He says still laughing.

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