Chapter 23

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Hannah's POV:

"Guys hurry up before Shannon gets back!" Rebecca whispers/shouts  (you know what I mean) as she leads us down towards the storage room.

"I'm not sure we should do this. She would tell us if she wanted us to know what she's doing." Dana says hesitantly, looking at me.

"That's true, but I want to know what her big secret is!" I reply pushing past Dana.

"Guys just come on!" Rebecca says.

"Fine." Dana groans and comes down the stairs behind us.

"Guys I need you to promise not to freak out or draw any attention to us. Okay?" Rebecca explains.

"Sure." We reply.

Rebecca flings the door open and my heart starts pounding and I breathe deeply. I really don't know what to expect.

She turns the light on to reveal the four clones standing and staring right at us.

"!" I whisper in shock.

"What the hell?" Dana exclaims.

"What is she playing at?" I say.

"I have to say this is pretty cool, but I'm quite scared at the same time." Dana says.

"I know right." Rebecca agrees.

"I don't understand why she's doing this." I say.

"I can't wait to find out, she better have a good reason." Rebecca says.

The main door of the building swings open and I can hear what sounds like Shannon whistling.

"She's back!" I whisper.

"Crap!" Dana whispers.

"Quick, let's go!" Rebecca says turning off the light and closing the door.

We all quickly and quietly run up the stairs, amazingly getting by Shannon without her realising. She has her earphones in and stands in the foyer of the building texting someone, probably Andy.

The girls and I make it into the flat seconds before Shannon arrives.

"Home!" Shannon shouts as she enters.

"Hey!" I shout back from the kitchen.

Rebecca is in her room pretending to read a magazine and trying to act normal and Dana is pretending to watch TV in her room.

"How's you?" Shannon asks as she joins me in the kitchen, putting the kettle on.

"Good, you?" I reply, not knowing what to say.

"I'm good, I got some amazing photos that I reckon I could do an interpretation of." She replies sounding pleased with herself as she makes a tea.

"Aw that's great." I say and quickly leave the room. I can't take this pressure.

Shannon's POV:

So I come home from my inspirational trip and all the girls are being kinda weird with me. They haven't found out about the clones have they?

I head to my room and climb into my bunk with my tea and scroll through some of my mentions on Twitter. I come across a photo of me, almost doing a spittake with my tea.

"Are you okay?" Dana asks sounding concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It just went down the wrong pipe." I say clearing my throat.

There's a flaming photo of me in the storage room with the clones on Twitter with the caption "@ShannonCurrie16 You're little secret is finally out bitch."

The girls are going to see this! Andy is going to see this! What the hell am i going to do?!

I click on the girl's profile and find that it was the girl that was hanging around the storage room the other night! I knew she didn't live in this building! She must have snuck in and took this picture while I was in there!


Dana's POV:

As Shannon almost did a spittake, I'm guessing something is up. I leave our room and go to join Hannah and Rebecca in their room.

"Something's up!" I say barging in and closing the door behind me.

"Yes Dana, you can come in!" Hannah says sarcastically.

I take a seat on Rebecca's bed. "Something is definitely up, Shannon almost spat her tea everywhere when she went on Twitter and she's acting super shady, she can't sit still." I explain.

Rebecca gets her phone out and goes onto Twitter.

"Oh God! This is not good!" She gasps.

"What is it?" I ask eagerly.

"Someone has taken a picture of Shannon and the clones! It's all over Twitter!" She panics.

"Please tell me you're joking!" Hannah says.

"Look!" She says as she turns her phone around so we can see.

"We need to confront her about this. We need to do it now!" I say.

"Like right now?" Hannah asks.

"Yes! No come on!" I snap back at her and leave the room.

Rebecca and Hannah follow me into Shannon and I's room and they sit down on the sofa and I sit on my bunk.

Shannon looks at us weird: "What is this? An intervention or something?" She laughs.

"What the hell is this?" Rebecca snaps, showing her phone to Shannon. She wastes no time, does she?

"Look guys, I can explain." Shannon's face drops and she sighs deeply now that she's been busted.

"This is going to be good." Hannah smirks.

"Come on then, is this what you've been sneaking off for for weeks on end?" I snap.

"Guys calm down! I'll explain. I came across an article ages ago about cloning and how easy it could be done. I did a bit more research and decided to give it a go. I didn't think it was actually going to work. I needed something to take my mind off all the hate and stuff we were getting. I don't know why, I just chose the boys to practice on. I'm sorry." She explains sounding like she's on the verge of crying.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Rebecca asks.

"Because I didn't think yous wanted to hear it. You all had your own individual things going on and you were trying to deal with the hate too." She replies, properly crying now.

"Shannon, we're always here for you no matter what. You know that you can talk to us about anything at any time." I say, trying to console her.

"We love you girl, we always will. We're here for you whenever you need us. We know that you put on this tough front and act like nothing gets to you but you're only human, it's okay to let things get to you and it's our job to help you through it." Hannah says.

"Thanks girls." Shannon replies, sniffing and drying her eyes.


Hey guys! Here's another part for yous! What's going to happen now that it's spread over Twitter?!

Find out soon!



Thanks, Shannon x

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