Chapter 21

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Shannon's POV:

I don't really know what to do right now. I didn't actually think this would work! What am I going to do with them? They can't stay down here. I stand in front of them, quite stunned by how each clone is identical to the boys. This is weird. They can never find out about this.

I leave the storage room to find a teenage girl standing just outside the door. I've never seen her around here before, she must have just moved here.

"Hey." I say smiling as I walk by.

"Hey." She says smiling back.

"Shannon!" I hear Andy's voice shout as I run up the stairs to the flat.

"Yes dear?" I say sweetly walking towards him knowing that he's probably going to complain about dragging my bags up so many stairs.

"Here's your bags. You've got another thing coming if you think I'm hauling them all into that flat of yours, I'm shattered." He laughs wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I didn't think it would have been a problem for a big strong man like you." I joke and kiss his lips. "Thanks for bringing them up babe." 

"You owe me." He laughs kissing my head. "What were you doing anyway?" He asks.

"Oh, eh I was just checking our electric meter thing. It was dodgy before we left." I lie.

"And you had to rush off like that?" He questions and laughs.

"You know me, no patience for anything." I joke trying to sound convincing.

He pulls me into a hug "Well, I'm going to go get some sleep, I'm exhausted. I'll see you tomorrow babe, love you." He says resting his chin on my head.

"Love you too, night babe." I say into his chest and he kisses my head before walking into his flat.

I trail my bags into my own flat, banging the door off the wall in the process, making an entrance as always.

"Could you be any louder?" Rebecca asks sarcastically and laughs as she stands in the hallway watching me struggle.

"Yeah I could actually!" I laugh "Thanks for offering to help by the way." I joke, pulling my bags through the door.

"As if! I brought my own in. It's every man for himself around here." She says walking into her room.

I finally get into my room and throw my insanely heavy bags unto my bed and sigh in exhaustion. As I make my way to the kitchen I find Rye in the hallway.

"Oh, hey Rye." I say sounding confused as to why he's here.

"In case you're wondering, Hannah fell asleep in the car and I carried her to bed." He explains.

"Aww that's relationship goals right there. Aren't you the best boyfriend ever?" I tease.

"She just looked so peaceful, I didn't have the heart to wake her." He laughs, sounding slightly embarrassed.

"That's so cute, you wouldn't catch Andy doing that for me!" I joke.

"I reckon he would." Rye replies and laughs. "Anyway, I'm off. See you tomorrow."

"Bye Rye." I say as he leaves.

Dana's POV:

"Up up up everyone! Studio time! We're filming today, we need to be there extra early for hair and make up!" I shout from the kitchen. These girls are so lazy. It's 5.30am and I've been up for an hour already.

"I don't need hair and make up today." Shannon groans.

"Ha! Good one!" Hannah jokes.

"Shut your face Hannah." Shannon replies.

"Shan, you'll regret it if you don't. Remember the whole nation will see you." Rebecca warns.

"Fine, I'm getting up." Shannon replies getting down from her bunk and slumping into the bathroom.

6.30am finally arrives and Matt texts me to say he's waiting outside.

"Let's go girls!" I shout.

"Two minutes!" Hannah shouts from her room.

"We don't have two minutes Hannah!" I reply.

"You know what Sharon is like on filming day!" Rebecca speaks up. Sharon is the director/producer by the way for future reference.

"Yeah, she gets her fishnet tights in a bunch over nothing." Shannon says sarcastically. She's not wrong though, Sharon gets very uptight on filming day.

We're all finally ready and Matt takes us to the studio. We walk in to see the majority of the other girls are already here and Sharon is rushing around like a headless chicken trying to sort everyone out.

"There you are girls! Finally! Chop chop get to your stations, hair and make up are waiting for you! Don't stress me out, you know how I get on filming day!" Sharon gushes in her posh English accent. She's basically Sharon Osborne.

"How could we forget?" Hannah says under her breath and we all laugh.

"What was that Hannah?" Sharon snaps back.

"Nothing Sharon, come on girls we better hurry up." Hannah says sweetly, faking a smile.

"You're going to get caught someday." Rebecca says to Hannah as we make our way to our stations so get beautified.

*Skip to filming*

"Cut! Do that again please Hannah, better this time." Sharon shouts.

"I don't understand why we have to do this! It's not right." Hannah bravely speaks back.

"It's what the fans want and it's what I'm paying you for now stop whining. Everyone is replaceable." (Guys if any of you watch Dance Moms let me know if you get my pun. Really wanted to use it lol.)

Rebecca, Shannon and I watch from the sidelines as some of the actors are being filmed in the green room. Sharon likes to add in a bit of drama here and there and we're all told to say these things and act in a certain way sometimes. We're not bad people.

"Action!" Screams Sharon.

"I don't know about you guys but Rachel really gets on my nerves. She thinks she's God's gift and she sucks up to Sharon so much. She's not even talented. Her last monologue sounded it was written by a two year old." Hannah says, putting her best acting skills on.

"Cut! That was perfect!" Sharon says sounding pleased for once as the you youtubers prepared to be filmed.

Hey guys! Here's another one for you!I know it's rather long but I hope you like it!



Thanks, Shannon x

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