Chapter 8

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Hannah's POV

I had such a good time with Rye, I still can't believe he asked me out. I'm so happy, he's so kind, funny, talented and of course good looking! We are making our way back to the flat hand in hand looking at the stars.

"I'm not ready for you to leave yet. When we get back, do you want to come into my flat?" He asks looking down at me sweetly.

"I'd love to, that sounds great." I reply looking up at him, smiling.

"Good." He says wrapping an arm around me and pulling me closer as the cold air blows.

We arrive at the building to find everyone else had got there just before us and we all walked up the stairs hand in hand.

"You didn't ruin it for yourselves then boys?" Rye jokes.

"Andy done well, I'm proud of him." Shannon laughs.

"Oi you!" Andy says smiling at her and pulling her in, planting a kiss on her head.

"I'm proud of us boys." Mikey says as we all make our way into the flat.

"Quick! Diva Wars is starting!" Brooklyn says climbing into his bed and taking Rebecca with him.

The girls and I look at each other trying not to laugh. This should be fun. Dana and Mikey cuddle together in Mikey's bed and Shannon and I sit on their sofa.

All of a sudden the theme tune for Diva Wars starts playing and Shannon and I take a deep breath and hold onto each others hand.

"Here we go." I whisper and Shannon laughs. The programme goes on for about ten minutes sort of explaining what the show is all about and the boys seem intrigued.

The individual interviews start to play and ours are coming up and Shannon grabs a pillow to hide behind. I wonder how the boys will react. I'm actually quite nervous about this.

Rye looks down at me from his bed. "Come up here." He says. I make my way up leaving Shannon with her pillow. I cuddle into Rye and he wraps his arms around me.

All of a sudden Shannon appears on the screen and begins to talk, her twitter name in the corner of the screen. I look down at her and her face is buried in her pillow. All the girls laugh and the boys look at each other in shock.

"Hold on a minute! What?!" Andy says in shock sitting up on his bed and pointing at the TV. "Pause this a minute Rye. I don't believe what I'm seeing here." Andy says and Rye pauses the TV. Shannon looks up at Andy from her pillow smiling.

She laughs. "I knew I would be first. I don't know what yous are laughing at girls. Yous are next." She says embarrassed.

"What are you doing down there anyway? Get yourself up here now!" Andy says to her. And she climbs up and gets in beside him.

Rye plays the TV again and my face pops up on the screen and I talk a little bit about myself and my twitter name is also in the corner of the screen! I hide my face in Rye's chest.

"There's Hannah!" Rye shouts excitedly. And we all laugh.

"This is so embarrassing." I say laughing a little.

"This is exciting! I'm genuinely loving this I wonder who's next." Mikey says.

"Oh good God!" Rebecca says as she appears on the screen. She pulls her jacket hood over her face a bit.

"That's my girl! My girl's on TV! Brooklyn shouts and points at the screen.

"Yes we can see that Brooklyn!" Andy says.

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