Chapter 15

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Hannah's POV:

The four of us are walking back to the flat in a line across the pavement after our interview talking about the random questions we got asked and laughing about each others answers.

"That was so fun." Rebecca says.

"It was pretty cool." Shannon agrees.

"I wonder if they'll ever do a joined one with the boys, that would be epic!" Dana says excitedly.

"Aaaaaahhhhh!" Serveral voices scream from behind the bushes, scaring us all and we scream.

The screams from the bushes soon turn to laughs as Andy, Rye, Brooklyn and Mikey emerge from them, with their camera of course.

"Andrew Robert Fowler, I am going to kill you!" Shannon shouts, jokingly and runs at him.

"Oh! I'm in trouble now." Andy says into the camera, laughing so hard there's tears in his eyes. Shannon jumps on his back and messes up his hair.

"Alright, alright I'm sorry! But you look so cute when you're scared." He says laughing and putting her down, still recording.

"Babe! You're face was priceless!" Rye laughs and pulls me into a hug and kisses my head.

"I hate you." I say trying to stay mad at him and wrap my arms around him.

"You love me really." He replies in a goofy voice. I look up at him, smiling and kiss his lips.

"Unfortunately I do." I joke.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Rye replies sarcastically and lifts me over his shoulder.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I scream. "I really do love you Rye." I laugh as Andy puts the camera on me and Rye. He puts me down.

"That's better." He grins down at me and he kisses my lips.

"Never, ever do that to me again! Do you hear me Mr?" Rebecca shouts at Brooklyn, trying to stay serious.

"Oh but you should have seen your face. Wait, you will because it's in this vlog!" He replies and going into fits of laughter. Rebecca glares at him angrily.

"Aw I'm sorry gorgeous, we just thought it would be funny." He says putting an arm around her and kissing her head.

"We'll just have to get you back, won't we?" She smiles and kisses his lips.

Mikey walks with Dana, while talking into the camera.

"That was genuinely the funniest thing I have ever seen or done in my entire life!" He says.

"No it wasn't guys! I almost had a heart attack!" Dana adds, getting into view of the camera.

Mikey laughs. "Sorry babe!" He sings, trying to sound innocent.

"You're going to have to do better than that Cobban." Dana laughs.

Mikey throws the camera to Rye and he points it in the direction of Mikey and Dana. Mikey stops walking and gets down on his knees in front of Dana and takes her hands.

"Okay Dana. I am genuinely, truly, 100% sorry and I will never do anything like that again. I love you, do you forgive me?" He says looking up at her, sounding so sincere.

"How can I stay mad at you, look at that face. Yes, I forgive you." Dana replies laughing and he picks her up and kisses her.

We all stand around watching and laughing.

"Aw that was like a marriage proposal, so beautiful. Well done Mikey." Says Andy, pretending to cry and we all laugh.

Rebecca's POV:

Brooklyn and I walk back to the flat hand in hand. I've actually missed him so much these passed few weeks, we've both been so busy lately we literally had no time to see each other.

When I'm with him, he makes me feel so at ease. Like nothing else matters but me and him, he makes me forget about all the negative and stressful things going on around me and allows me to focus on the positive things. He makes me laugh 24/7 and I fall deeper in love with him more and more everyday. He well and truly, is my world and I would do anything for him.

"I've missed you so much you know." He says looking at me and giving me that heart melting smile.

"I've missed you too. I'm sorry I've been so busy lately." I sigh, feeling bad.

"It's not your fault babe, don't worry." He replies, pulling me into him.

"Movie night at ours!" Rye shouts.
And there's a collection of cheers in reply.

We arrive at the boys flat and we're all in thier bunks, cuddling.

"I say the girls pick the first movie." Shannon states.

"Eh, and why's that?" Andy questions, sarcastically.

"Maybe because you love me and you want me to be happy?" She says sweetly, trying to win him over.

"Nice try, sweetie but that ain't working this time." He laughs. "I say we settle this through a little game of rock, paper, scissors." He continues.

"You're on! Best of three!" She replies, sounding determined.

"Oh here we go." Says Mikey.

"For God's sake man! You two are always competing!" Rye complains.

"Personally, I think it's hilarious. They're so entertaining, I love it." Rebecca laughs.

"You would." Hannah comments, laughing.

"Hurry up guys!" Brooklyn whines like a child.

"Right, shush. We need silence in the room. His Lordship needs to concentrate." Andy says looking at Shannon with a smirk on his face.

"You're going down Fowler." She says.

"Yous take it so serious, I love it." Dana says, watching.

They begin and Andy wins the first game and he celebrates loudly.

"Alright you, simmer." Shannon laughs. They play their second game and this time, Shannon wins and she looks at him smugly. The whole room is scared to make a sound, it's so intense. This is hilarious.

They play their last game and Andy takes out Shannon's scissors with his rock and wins the game.

"Damn it!" She shouts and puts her head in her hands.

"Yes!!!" Andy screams and celebrates once again.

"Great, now that that's settled. Can we please pick a movie?" Rye says sounding so unenthusiastic about the outcome of the game.

"I say we watch Taken." Brooklyn states.

"Good shout!" Mikey agrees.

And with that, we start off our well deserved movie night. We haven't seen each other in weeks, it's so nice to finally be together again.


Hey guys!

This chapter probably wasn't planned as well as it should have been so I apologise if it's rubbish!

I just want to thank you all again for the support. It means a lot that you take the time to read this story. I would really appreciate your feedback in the comments or feel free to message me if you think I need to improve on anything.



Thanks, Shannon x

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