Chapter 6

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Rebecca's POV

Today the girls and I went to the studio to prepare for filming Diva Wars. There's going to be about 10 groups of four girls that use their individual talents to knock other groups out of the competition.

We did loads of icebreakers to try and get to know all the rest of the girls. The producers saw how well Hannah, Dana, Shannon and I work together and decided to keep us as a group for the show which we are so glad about.

Each girl was individually interviewed and this was filmed to start the show off so that the views can get to know us. It was so surreal.

Some of the icebreakers and performance battles were filmed too. Hannah and Dana had to go up against girls from another group that had the same talent as them and battle against each other and the rest of the girls voted for the winner. Hannah won her battle and Dana just missed the win for hers.

Shannon and I did some of these too. I had a certain amount of time to edit a video and make it as creative as I could which I won. Shannon had a certain amount of time to design a logo for the show, but sadly she lost.

Two out of four wins is better than nothing. Although it was just a bit of fun to break the ice with the other girls.

What was filmed today is going to be aired shortly which we're so excited about. We're now making our way back to the flat after getting some food in town.

"That was amazing! I can't wait to keep doing this!" Hannah screams.

"I'm not going to lie, I enjoyed a lot more than I thought I would." Shannon says.

"It was sick!" Dana adds.

"I loved it!" I say.

"So Dana, you haven't had the chance to properly speak to Mikey yet have you?" Shannon asks.

"No, not yet. I'm just waiting for the right time." Dana replies.

"What about right now?" Hannah asks. As we walk towards the flat, the boys are playing football in the playground.

"Oi Oi! Looking good Fovvs!" Shannon shouts distracting him from his shot. Rye jumps in and takes the ball from Andy which he isn't pleased about.

"Rye looks so good today." Hannah says watching him running around.

"So does Brooklyn." I say.

"Mikey always looks good." Dana says.

"Let's go over." Shannon says making her way across the road.

"Guys I'm not sure this is such a good idea." Dana says nervously.

"Dana it's fine, come on." I say.

"Hi girls!" Brooklyn shouts over to us as we sit in a line on the grass.

"Hey!" We all say at once.

Rye runs up to take his shot at the goal. He shoots and Mikey tries to save it, the ball just misses Mikey's fingertips and the ball flies into the back of the net.

"Yes!!" Rye shouts and celebrates with a back flip. Brooklyn and Andy cheer for him.

"Yes Rye!" Hannah cheers him on, still stunned by his back flip.

"I think it's time we took a break." Mikey says sounding annoyed about not saving the ball and walks towards us. The rest of the boys follow.

"Good idea. How's your day been girls?" Brooklyn says as he sits down opposite me. His cheeks all red and his hair tossed, he's beautiful.

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