Chapter 9

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Shannon's POV

It's been a few weeks now and things are going well between us and the boys. Naturally the Roadies have been asking questions about us as they've seen us in countless snapchats and vlogs. So the boys thought it would be best to tell the Roadies what's happening. Most of them have been very supportive but others have just been down right nasty towards the girls and I and it's starting to get to us a bit.

The girls and I have been continuing Diva Wars and it's been a great success so far. We have knocked one group out so far so the competition is well and truly on! People have actually been coming up to us in the street asking for photos and autographs, it's amazing. We never thought we'd get this much recognition.

"Will this hate ever stop?" I say throwing my phone down on the sofa.

"We should have seen this coming." Dana says.

"Why can't people just be happy for us and the boys?" Hannah asks.

"I don't even think the boys realise that this has been happening." Rebecca says.

The girls and I just haven't been feeling ourselves since the Roadies found out about us. I don't know about the rest of the girls but it's got to me so much that I've been struggling to eat and sleep. It's exhausting, it never ends.

Rebecca's POV

Today the girls and I have a day off from filming and we decided just to stay in the flat and chill because we just aren't ourselves at the minute. There's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." I say getting up from the sofa and leaving the rest of the girls laying on sofas and beds watching Hollyoaks in their pyjamas. We don't even have the energy to do anything with our appearance at the minute, unless we're seeing the boys of course.

I open the door to be greeted by Brooklyn's adorable smiling face.

"Hey babe, are you okay?" He asks sounding concerned.

"Hey, yeah I'm okay. Do you want to come in?" I ask kissing him on the cheek.

"Of course." He says kissing my head and coming into Shannon and Dana's bedroom/the living room.

"Hey girls." He says as he sits down beside me on the sofa and puts an arm around me.



"Hey Brook." The girls reply as unenthusiastically as you could imagine and not taking their eyes off the TV.

"What's up with you guys? It's as if someone has actually taken your batteries out. Usually when some of us come over you can't even hear us knocking because your music is up so loud." Brooklyn says.

"Just don't feel too well at the minute bud." Shannon says and the girls and I agree with her.

"Well what's wrong? Maybe I can help." Brooklyn says enthusiastically.

"We'll be okay babe, don't worry." I say looking at him.

"How can I not worry? There's something wrong and I want to try and fix it. I want you to be happy, I can't stand seeing you like this babe." He says pulling me closer to him and resting his head on mine.

"You're so cute Brook, but honestly I will be fine." I say smiling.

"Okay, if you're sure. I just wanted to come over to check on you. I have to get back to the boys now, we're going to go to the gym and then the studio. But I'll see you later, yeah?" He says quietly and stroking my hair.

"Yeah." I reply "Thanks for coming to check on me, you're so cute." I look at him, smiling.

"No you're the cute one and it's my job to make sure you're okay." He says looking at me with those bright green eyes and his perfect smile. He kisses me passionately before he gets up and walks out of the flat.

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