Chapter 19

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Rebecca's POV:

The girls and I stand in the wings of the stage watching our boys having the time of their lives. It makes me so happy watching Brooklyn having so much fun, I love the way his face lights up when the Roadies shout his name and sing back to him.

I don't know where those boys get the energy from. They make it look so easy jumping around a stage and singing at the same time.

The boys come to the end of their last song, Misstaken. They actually look quite sad that the show has ended.

"Thank you so much Bristol!" Rye shouts into his microphone and the building erupts with screams in reply.

"You've been amazing!" Mikey adds, which also gets a reply of hundreds of high pitched screams.

"We'll see you all very soon!" Says Andy.

"We can't thank you enough for coming out, we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys. We love you!" Brooklyn says and the whole building is filled with screams and 'I love you's'  and they begin to make their way off the stage.

Rye throws the bandana he was wearing into the crowd, causing some arguments as to who should get it. Thankfully no one was injured.

Brooklyn runs towards me. Sweat dripping from every inch of his skin.

"Babe! That was amazing! I had the best time!" He shouts, trying to hug me.

I push him away. "If you think I'm hugging you while the sweat is literally dripping off you, think again mister." I laugh.

"You know you love it babe!" Brooklyn replies, putting his armpit in my face and quickly wrapping his arms around me and kissing my lips.

I kiss him back, laughing. "You are disgusting. You're performance was amazing though, I couldn't be prouder of you." I tell him.

"Thanks so much babe, it was sick!" He replies, still filled with adrenaline.

Rye walks into the room and Hannah runs towards him and flings her arms around him and he picks her up and spins her around.

"Babe! I can't believe it! That was amazing! You did so well!" She screams.

Rye laughs, putting her down. "Thanks, I had a great time. I'm glad you were impressed, I did it for you." He says.

Hannah kisses his lips passionately.

"Get a room you two!" Andy shouts as he enters the room.

"Andy!" Shannon screams and launches herself at him, almost knocking him down and he wraps his arms tightly around her, picking her up.

"Wow! Calm down!" He laughs.

"I'm so proud of you, you smashed it!"

Mikey runs in and goes straight in the direction of Dana. He kisses her passionately, picking her up and spinning her around.

"What did you think?" He asks smiling at her and putting her down.

"Mikey! It was mind blowing, absolutely amazing! I'm so proud!" She replies excitedly.

"Good, I'm so glad." He replies.

"Boys! Meet and greet starts in three minutes! Chop chop!" Blair shouts, coming in.

"Well done to you too Blair." Hannah replies and we all laugh.

"Yeah, these boys just had an amazing show! They deserve to be told how well they did!" I say.

"Sure they have you girls for that." Blair says jokingly and laughs.

"But we aren't their manager!" Shannon says.

"You're right sorry. Well done boys, you genuinely did really well. I'm proud of you." Blair tells them.

"Aw thanks dad!" All the boys chorus.

Blair laughs. "Now, get ready! Girls you're taking part in the meet and greets you know." He informs us.

Our faces drop and my stomach churns, I look at all of the girls and they look like they are having the same feeling.

"Oh, we weren't really prepared for this." Dana says.

"Yeah, it maybe isn't the best idea." I agree.

"Well when I was roaming around during the show, a lot of the girls were asking if they could meet you. That's all I'm saying, but the decision is yours." Blair says, walking out.

"What do you think girls?" Brooklyn asks looking at the girls and putting his arm around me.

"Do you know what? I say we go for it." Shannon says confidently.

"Yes! That's my girl!" Andy says high fiving her.

"Me too!" Hannah shouts.

"I suppose I'm in too." Dana agrees.

Everyone looks at me, waiting for my answer. I really don't think it's a good idea, anything could happen. Teenage girls can be so horrible. If it's what makes everyone else happy, I suppose I'll do it.

"Fine." I sigh and they all cheer.

"Let's go!" Rye shouts excitedly, taking Hannah's hand.

We all walk out of the room in the direction of the chanting fans. Hand in hand, all in a line. Rye and Hannah first, then Andy and Shannon, then Brooklyn and I and Mikey and Dana behind us.

Brooklyn squeezes my hand tightly as we stand behind the door that separates us from the fans. I look up at him nervously and he kisses my forehead softly.

"I've got you." He whispers, giving me that heart melting smile.

"I love you." I whisper back, smiling.

"Ready everyone?" Blair asks.

"Yeap." We chorus.

"Let's go!" Blair says opening the door.

I tighten my grip on Brooklyn's hand as we all make our way to the end of the room. Hundreds of screams filling the air, this is amazing.

"OMG it's Rebecca!" One girl says excitedly as I walk by her. I smile nervously back at her.

Wait, she was actually glad to see me? I wasn't expecting that at all. I was expecting to get mauled as soon as they saw me with Brooklyn.

I look in front of me and see Shannon high fiving some people and Hannah speaking to others. This doesn't seem so bad.

This maybe won't be as bad as I thought.


Hey guys! Here's another chapter for you!




Thanks, Shannon x

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