Chapter 11

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Rebecca's POV:

About a week ago one of the producers of the show decided that she wanted to organise a meet up for all the girls in Diva Wars in the middle of London. The girls and I have been so excited, finally a chance to meet our fans! This is going to be amazing!

"Chop chop girls! We're going to be late!" Shannon says coming into Hannah and I's room.

"Shut up Shannon! Our fans can wait." Hannah says jokingly while curling her hair in front of the mirror.

"Check out little miss celebrity in the corner." Shannon and I laugh and I throw a pen at her.

"Aw thanks Becca! This will come in handy for signing autographs for my fans." She says sarcastically and dramatically flipping her hair.

"Ten minutes girls! Matt is picking us up!" Dana shouts from her and Shannon's room.

"We know!" We all shout back.

Matt finally arrives to pick us up. He comes in a little people carrier and the back windows are tinted.

"This is going to be amazing!" Hannah squeals.

"I'm actually quite nervous." Shannon says.

"We've been waiting for a moment like this for ages girls." Dana says.

"So we need to embrace it!" I say excitedly.

"Girls I know you're all very excited but I need you to act professional." Matt warns.

"Why can't we just be ourselves?" Dana whines.

"Yeah! We have amazing personalities!" Hannah agrees.

"Because I don't want you getting into any trouble." Matt replies.

"Fine!" Hannah huffs.

"My decision is final, have fun but be professional." He stops the car and the centre of London is full of fans, mostly teenage girls. "Now get out there and have fun! I'll be back in a couple of hours to pick you up."

"Thanks Matt!" We all chorus and get out of the car.

We get out of the car and we are immediately surrounded by loads of fans, screams ringing in our ears. The girls and I frantically try to take pictures and talk to them all.

"Girls I think it's best if we spread out!" Shannon shouts to us over the screams and shouts.

"Good idea!" I reply and we all go our separate ways in the swarm of fans.

"Rebecca! I love you! Can you please follow me on Twitter?" A girl around the age of 14 shouts frantically.

I hug her to try and calm her down. "Of course I can and I love you more. What's your Twitter name?" I say getting my phone out and opening twitter. She gives me her name and I bring up her account.

"Would you like to do the honours?" I ask her smiling and holding my phone towards her to press the follow button.

"OMG! Are you serious?" She asks with tears in her eyes.

"Of course I am!" I reply and she presses the follow button on her profile, her hand shaking.

"Thank you so much!" She says grabbing me and hugging me again, on the verge of tears and we take a few selfies together.

I'm having the best time meeting fans. They are all so lovely and it's so humbling to actually meet them. They're so thoughtful as well, I have so many gifts and I'm so grateful for them all. I got a Harry Potter phone case and a Pretty Little Liars mug. It's amazing how much these guys know about us!

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