Chapter 12

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Dana's POV:

I get the call from Matt saying he's here to pick us up and we begin to say our goodbyes and make our way through the crowd to the van.

Today has quite literally been the best day of my life. I think I speak for all of us when I say that. It's been amazing seeing all of the people that have changed our lives.

We walk in a single file line: Hannah, then me, then Rebecca and Shannon last. All of a sudden Hannah stops walking and I end up walking into her.

"What the hell Hannah? Move!" I joke. Nudging her slightly.

"I would but there's people in the way." She replies and I look over her shoulder to see two teenage girls with their backs to us.

"Sorry could we get past please?" Hannah asks them politely.

They turn around to face us, they look around 18. Dressed like rich, spoilt little daddy's girls, they look like real versions of Barbie dolls. (You know what I mean). One with long straight blonde hair and the other with long straight brown hair.

"Oh look who it is Britney!" The one with the blonde hair says. "I told you they would be even uglier in person than they are on TV." She continues and they both look us all up and down and laugh.

"You're so right Tiffany." The one with the brown hair says. "You'd think they'd dress up a bit for their own meet up!" She laughs.

The girls and I stand there not really knowing what to say. I had a feeling something like this would happen. It was too good to be true to get through something like this without getting a bad comment. I can see Hannah getting really wound up. I just hope she doesn't snap back at them with Matt telling us to be professional and all.

"Well if you think we're so ugly, why would you waste your time watching us on TV?" Hannah snaps back at them.

Oh no, here we go.

"We just find it amusing as to why the boys would find you girls even remotely attractive." Tiffany replies laughing.

"Leave it Hannah, jealously is all it is." Rebecca says from behind me.

"Us? Jealous of you?" Britney laughs. "That's brilliant!"

"If those boys even took one look at us, they would leave you in a heartbeat." Tiffany continues.

"Let us know how that goes!" Shannon pipes up and we push past them and get into the van. "The boys prefer their not made out of plastic!" She shouts before the door closes. And we all laugh.

"Are you kidding me?" Matt shouts angrily. "What did I tell you before you got out of this van? Be professional! I heard the whole thing! I thought more of you girls! What if someone was recording that? You could get into massive trouble. Maybe not even be allowed back on the show for treating teenage girls like that! You should be ashamed of yourselves!" He lectures, his face turning red. He's actually quite scary when he's angry.

The girls and I sit with our heads down listening to what Matt has to say.

"Matt it wasn't our fault, they were being really horrible to us!" Rebecca speaks up.

"Yeah, you know we've been having a really hard time lately!" Shannon backs her up.

"I'm not letting people think they can get away with talking to me like that!" Hannah says.

"Girls I know all this but it's just something you're going to have to get used to. Not everyone is going to love you, you have to understand that. I don't know if this sudden fame has gone to your heads but you need to snap out of it!" He says angrily and stopping the van outside our flat.

The girls and I get out without saying a word and he drives off. We walk in silence back up to our flat to find the boys chilling in our flat.

Hannah's POV:

We walk into the flat in not a great mood after what was said and how angry Matt is with us to find the boys chilling. Rye and Brook sitting on the two sofas and Andy in Shannon's bed and Mikey in Dana's.

"Make yourselves at home sure." I laugh sitting down beside Rye.

"You know we will." Rye says smiling and kissing my lips lightly. All of the girls come in and sit with their boy.

"So tell us all about today!" Brooklyn says excitedly.

"We want to hear everything!" Mikey adds.

"Don't leave anything out!" Andy says putting his arm around Shannon and looking like he's ready to listen for once.

"I personally had such a great time. The support was amazing and I loved actually getting to see the people that are making this happen for us." Rebecca says while playing with Brooklyn's hair.

"Yeah it was amazing, we got so many gifts too. I can't believe the generosity of our fans." Dana says.

"It all seems like such a blur now, I saw so many faces and heard so many names. But I got this really cool necklace from the girls in my snapchat." Shannon says taking off her necklace and holding it up so everyone can see it.

"Let me see! That's sick! I'm stealing it!" Andy shouts excitedly, snatching it off her.

"In your dreams!" She replies and the two of them fight over the necklace.

"How did you find today babe?" Rye asks looking down at me.

"Yeah I really enjoyed it, and got loads of nice gifts. It was amazing." I reply putting my head on his shoulder.

Andy's POV:

I couldn't be prouder of the girls! They have accomplished so much in such a short time and given everything they've been through recently, they have done amazingly well!

Brooklyn's POV:

Rebecca makes me prouder every single day. She's so brave and so strong, just an incredible person. I can't believe she's actually mine.

Rye's POV:

I'm so glad that Hannah seems to be happier at the minute. She's been through a lot and it tears me apart to see her upset. I just wish I could put a complete stop to everything.

Mikey's POV:

I really am proud to be Dana's boyfriend, she's amazing. She's been coping so well recently and she's been working so hard. She has accomplished so much recently and I can see that she's a lot happier. I can't stand it when she's not smiling.

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