Chapter 10

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Rye's POV

Andy comes back into the room after talking to Shannon and the boys and I end the Live.Ly not long after. The boys and I are still sitting on the sofa and all the girls are sitting on Mikey's and Brooklyn's beds. I don't think anyone knows what to say but something needs to be done about this.

Mikey and I move to sit next to Hannah and Dana and Andy and Shannon go up to Andy's bunk. Rebecca moves to sit with Brooklyn on the sofa. He puts his arm around her and plays with her hair softly and I do the same with Hannah.

"Girls, we just want you to know that we had no idea that this was happening. Why didn't you say anything?" Mikey speaks up.

Dana replies while cuddling Mikey. "They're your fans, we didn't want to cause any trouble by bringing it up."

"Why would you ever think that you couldn't talk to us about this?" Brooklyn says sounding concerned.

"Because we know how much your fans mean to you and we don't want you to think less of them because of this." Rebecca says, moving a strand of Brook's hair from his face.

"So what are we doing about it boys?" Andy says taking Shannon's hand and kissing it.

"There's nothing you can do, they won't stop until they've driven us apart." Shannon says.

"That will never happen." I say looking down at Hannah and kissing her head softly.

"I think we need to say something to the Roadies. In the nicest way possible, they need to know that this is effecting the girls and it's effecting us seeing them like this." Mikey suggests.

"That's a good idea, what's the best way to do it?" Brooklyn asks.

"A video maybe?" I suggest.

"Yeah, that way they can see how genuine we are about it." Andy says.

"Boys, you don't need to do anything. We don't want you to jeopardise your relationship with the Roadies." Dana says.

"If the Roadies are half the people we think they are, they should be happy for us and respect our wishes." I say.

"I really don't think it'll make much difference." Hannah says twirling her hair.

"Let us try at least." Brooklyn says.

Hannah's POV

About three weeks have gone by since the boys posted a video expressing their feelings about this situation and things haven't really got any better. The girls and I have tried to submerge ourselves in work and keep ourselves busy to try and keep our minds off it.

We've had a few interviews for magazines and made a few appearances at different events. Things are really taking off for the girls and I, we never thought we'd get so much recognition at all. It's amazing. The boys are working on rehersals for tour so we haven't been able to see them as much as we'd like.

The girls and I are having a chill day as the boys are at the gym and the studio all day rehearsing. Shannon is flicking through magazines on her bed. Rebecca is watching Pretty Little Liars on her laptop. Dana is working on a song and I'm online shopping for a new handbag.

Shannon's POV:

So I'm flicking through some magazines and I've read several articles about how cloning is now real. Apparently you can clone anything you want, this is amazing.

I quickly grab my laptop and do some research and see that it actually is real and can be done so easily. I scribble down how to do it on a scrap piece of paper and hide it at the bottom of my drawer. This could come in handy someday, I'm not weird I swear. But to be fair you could save yourself a lot of money on make up and hair products if you just cloned the one product loads of times!
This could be good.

"Girls I think I'm going to go for a run, anyone coming?" I ask while putting my hair up into a ponytail. I get a series of grunts in return, they don't even look at me.

"That's a no then." I laugh. "See you later." I say grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and heading out of the flat.

Brooklyn's POV:

The boys and I have been so buys lately. We're going to be at the studio all day today getting ready for our tour that's coming up in a couple of months. We haven't seen the girls much at all, maybe twice or three times a week.

The girls have been working a lot too, I couldn't be more proud of them. They're doing so many interviews and appearances at the minute, it's amazing. I can't help thinking that they are purposely trying to keep themselves busy to help them to forget about everything that's been happening recently. I feel so sorry for them. I just wish we could put a complete stop to it.

Mikey's POV:

The boys and I are heading back to the flat after a long day at the studio, vlogging and messing around as usual and meet Shannon jogging the opposite way.

"Hey guys." She says taking one of her earphones out and sounding out of breath.

"Hey babe." Andy says smiling at her.

"Hellooo" Rye says.

"Hey Shannon." I say.

"Hi!" Brooklyn shouts and moving the camera into Shannon's face and she bats it away with her hand.

"Sorry Brook, I don't look very presentable right now." She laughs.

"You talk so much rubbish it's unbelievable." Andy says smiling and pulling her into a kiss.

"Awww!" The boys and I chorus, Brooklyn pointing the camera towards them.

"I'm going to kill you Brooklyn." She says looking at him and laughing.

"What brings you out today?" Rye asks. While Brooklyn and I go film some pigeons and trees.

"I couldn't sit in that flat any longer, I needed to clear my head." Shannon replies.

"It's good to see you out and about again." Rye says smiling.

"Thanks, well I better get going before it gets dark." She says.

"Okay babe, see you later." Andy says kissing her again. "Have fun." He says smiling.

"Bye." She says running off.

"Be careful!" I shout.

"Don't hurt yourself!" Rye shouts and we all laugh.

"You're so fit babe!" Andy shouts.

"Shut up you goons!" She shouts back.


Hey guys! I'm sorry it's been a while since the last update. I've just been so busy lately. I haven't had much time to plan this part but I hope you enjoy it!

Remember to vote and comment!

Shannon x

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