Chapter 2

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Dana's POV

It's been like two weeks since Shannon and I auditioned for Diva Wars and I'm starting to get a bit worried. What if we haven't made it? This could have been our shot. I can tell Shannon is getting worried too, deep down she wants this opportunity as much as I do, she's just trying to hide it. I'm waiting at the front door everyday just waiting for the postman to bring the letter. I'm almost starting to lose hope.

These past couple of weeks have been so long and I've barely seen Shannon because she's been working a lot. I lay on my bed scrolling through Twitter to see that some girls have already heard back from the show and have got in.

"This really isn't helping." I think to myself as I put my phone down and turn on the TV. All of a sudden an out of breath Shannon appears in my bedroom.

"Girl! The postman is coming! I saw him out of my bedroom window!" She says trying to sound excited while gasping for air.

"And you ran over here to tell me that?" I laugh looking at her sprawled out on my floor.

"Well, yeah. I kinda wanted to be here when he comes and you know I like to make an entrance." She jokes.

"Oh don't worry, I know." I reply sarcastically. "Hurry up, he's here!" I squeal and run downstairs.
By the time Shannon gets down the stairs, I've already looked through half of the post.

"Bill, Bill, Bill...not a bill! Shannon this is it!" I scream, my hands trembling with a mixture of feelings of excitement and nervousness.

"Okay, I'm here. Open it!" Shannon says as she makes herself comfortable on the last stair.

I slowly begin to open the envelope, my hands still trembling and my heart pounding. All that is going through my head is, what if we don't get in?

"Hurry up!" Shouts Shannon.

"Shh! I'm concentrating!" I reply as I read the letter, taking in every word.

"Well?" She questions.

"We got in!" I scream while jumping up and down and practically crying.

"What? No way! Really?" She asks standing up.

I don't even have the words to speak, I'm too busy trying to process what just happened so I throw the letter to her to read it for herself. She quickly picks it up and starts to read, her eyes gradually widening.

"OMG I can't believe we're actually in!" She screams in a high pitched voice.

I grab her and we hug while jumping up and down in the hallway for like ten minutes like idiots.

Shannon's POV

I actually can't believe we got in. I didn't think we stood a chance. This could be great for us. Now we just have to wait a week or so until we head to London to start filming.

We got the news that apparently the producers of the show provide us all with apartments to stay in while we're there filming. It's pretty nice of them I guess, I just hope our room mates are nice. But then again it's Diva Wars we're talking about. Knowing my luck, we'll end up with some really big headed, self-centred people and that's exactly the kind of people I cannot stand. Probably because I am the complete opposite to that.

Dana is so excited about this but I have slightly more mixed feelings, I just don't know what to expect at all. What if we end up hating it and we're stuck doing something we hate for God knows how long? But I suppose on the other hand it could be the best experience of our lives.
I guess I'm just going to have to think positively and hope for the best.

So the girls are heading for the bright lights of London! I wonder how they will get on and if Shannon has a change of heart.

Hope you enjoyed this guys! Let me know in the comments!

Shannon x

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