Chapter 7

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Rye's POV

The boys and I are all chilling in our room. Andy is practising guitar for our new cover of Rockabye. Brooklyn and Mikey are dming the Roadies and I'm editing a vlog.

"Boys, I've been thinking. We should just do it." I say.

"Do what?" Andy says still strumming his guitar.

"Well we all like the girls don't we?" I ask.

"Yeah." Mikey answers for everyone.

"Then we should just ask them out. What's the worst that can happen?" I say.

"They say no?" Brooklyn suggests.

"Yeah Rye, we don't even know if they like us yet." Andy says.

"Guys! It's obvious that they do! They wouldn't be hanging about with us if they didn't! I say we do it!" I exclaim.

"That's true." Mikey says.

"Okay." Andy says warming to the idea.

"Let's do it!" Brooklyn shouts.

"The girls are due back from work in about an hour. We better get ready." I say. We all run around trying to get ready.

Shannon's POV

It's was another great day at the studio and the girls and I are ecstatic. I can't wait to see ourselves on TV tonight.

We walk into the building and hear the chorus of Rockabye being sung as loud as anything.

"What the hell?" Hannah says confused. As we walk upstairs to our flat to find the boys sitting on the next flight of stairs singing at the top of their lungs.

"What's happening here?" Dana asks. The boys stop singing and look at us.

"Hey girls. We're a boyband called RoadTrip." Brooklyn says smiling.

"And you didn't think to tell us that?" Rebecca replies sounding shocked.

"You never asked." Andy says laughing.

"Alright Fovvs, simmer." I say jokingly and he sticks his tongue out at me.

"That's why you're always vlogging isn't it?" Hannah asks.

"Yeap!" Rye replies smiling.

"It's called RoadTrip TV." Mikey says.

"Cool, well we'll leave you guys to it." I say getting my key out of my pocket.

The boys all look at each other as if to say "Someone say something!"

"Was there something else?" Hannah asks.

Rye stands up and walks towards Hannah. "Yeah, I was wondering if you would like to go to Windsor Castle with me today?" He says sounding really nervous.

"I'd love too!" Hannah says excitedly, smiling at him.

He smiles. "Cool, take my number and you can text me when your ready?" He says handing her a piece of paper. He was shaking! I've never seen Rye so nervous.

"Sure." Hannah says taking the paper from him and going into the flat.

The girls and I stand there stunned by what we just witnessed and all of a sudden Brooklyn comes over and stands in front of Rebecca.

"Hi, em I just wanted to ask if you would like to go to the beach with me? You don't have to, it's just a suggestion." He says panicking.

Rebecca smiles. "Of course, I'd love to." She replies.

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