Chapter 4

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Shannon's POV

"They seemed nice." I say looking at Dana.

"Yeah they did." She smiled "Now let's find our flat."

"Knowing us we'll be at the very top of the building." I say struggling to trail my bags up the stairs.

As we got to the top of the second flight of stairs.

"Here it is!" Dana says excitedly.

"Oh thank goodness for that, I don't think I would have made it if it was any further." I laugh.

"I'm kinda nervous to meet our room mates. What if we don't like them or they don't like us?" Dana asks. While we're both standing outside the flat.

All of a sudden the door flies open revealing a girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Are you going to come in or not? I've been so excited to meet you! I'm Hannah!" She says happily in a Northern Irish accent.

"Oh, hi Hannah. I'm Shannon, nice to meet you." I say, this girl seems really bubbly and friendly. This might not be so bad.

"Hi, I'm Dana." She says introducing herself.

"Come on in!" Hannah replies.

As we're trailing our bags into the flat we're greeted by another girl around our age with long brown hair.

"Let me give you a hand with those, I'm Rebecca. Hannah I can't believe you didn't offer to help them with their bags."

"Here, they aren't my bags." Hannah says jokingly and disappears to her room.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to her unique personality." Rebecca laughs. "What are your names?"

I'm Dana, and this is Shannon." Dana answers.

"Hi." I say

"Nice to meet you." Rebecca says. "I hope you don't mind but we have chosen our beds and stuff already. It looks like we have to share rooms. Hannah and I chose this room." She says showing us. The room has two single beds in it and a TV, it's quite cosy.

"And this is your room." She says showing us to the room next door. It's slightly bigger with a set of bunk beds against the wall and a sofa at the door and another along the wall opposite the bunk beds and a TV on the wall.

"This works for me." I say.

"Me too." Dana agrees.

"I call top bunk." I say running in and climbing up and sprawling myself out on the bed.

"Damn! I hope you fall out of that bed in the middle of the night." Dana laughs as she sits down on her bed.

"You should have called it!" I laugh.

Hannah and Rebecca come into the room and sprawl themselves out on a sofa each.

"So tell us about yourselves." I say.

"Well, I'm 20 from Northern Ireland and I'm into YouTubing and I'm a massive Harry Potter fan." Rebecca answers.

"I'm also 20, from Northern Ireland and I love acting and my favourite hobbies are shopping and going out with friends." Hannah says.

"Cool, how did you guys meet?" Dana asks.

"Well we met in high school and have been friends ever since really." Rebecca says. "What about you guys?"

"Well I was born and raised in Manchester and I love to sing and play guitar." Dana says.

"And I was born in Northern Ireland but moved to Manchester for my dad's job. I love drawing and designing and I have started my own business designing signs and paintings for local small businesses." I say.

"Shannon and I have been friends since we were kids. We live next door to each other and are both only children so I guess it just made sense." Dana laughs.

"That's cool!" Hannah says. "What should we do today?"

"I think we should just chill today." Rebecca and I say at the same time and look at each other smiling.

"I think we're going to get on just fine." Rebecca says.

"I have a good feeling about this." I laugh.

Hannah turns the TV on and we all watch Jeremy Kyle for about two hours and chat about random things and what we think Diva Wars is going to be like. Time passes and it's around 6pm.

"What are we doing for food?" Dana asks.

"There's nothing in the flat to eat at all." Rebecca says.

"I don't really care what we do." I say as I scroll through Facebook.

"Maybe we should just order something." Hannah says.

"Sounds good." The rest of us agree.

"Pizza?" I ask.

"Sure." The girls agree.

About an hour passes and there's a knock on the door. Hannah gets up and goes to the door, about five minutes passes and she's still not back.

"What is she doing?" Dana questions.

"Let's go see." Rebecca says.

We all walk out of the room and towards the door to find Hannah at the door talking to that Rye boy we met earlier.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We got an unexpected delivery to our flat across the hall and figured it was meant for you." Rye laughs holding the pizzas.

"Oh, yeah that would be ours." Rebecca laughs.

"So Roadies, we got some new neighbours today and Rye is delivering their pizza to them as it came to our flat by mistake." We hear a voice in the distance and look behind Rye to reveal Brooklyn talking into a camera with Mikey and Andy in stitches of laughter.

"What, what is happening here?" Dana asks in confusion, pointing at the boys.

"Oh, don't worry about them. It's just something we do. We vlog a lot." Rye laughs.

Andy gets in front of the camera. "We sent Rye over there with the pizza because we didn't trust Brooklyn to do it. He would more than likely eat it before he got it across the hall." Andy laughs.

"I would never do a thing like that." Brooklyn replies in disgust and snatches the camera from Andy.

The girls and I watch this happening and laugh.

"Well, I guess I should go before your food gets cold and one of those boys hurt themselves." Rye laughs.

"Sure, thanks for bringing it over." Hannah says smiling.

"Anytime." Rye replies smiling back.

"Enjoy your pizza girls!" Mikey shouts at the top of his voice. And the boys laugh.

"Thanks, we will!" Dana shouts back and the rest of us laugh as she shuts the door.

"Well that was weird." I say as we sit on the sofas in Dana and I's room and eat our food.

"Something tells me these guys are going to be so annoying to live next to." Rebecca says.

"They are funny but, you have to give them that." Hannah says laughing.

"We're probably going to be in that vlog now." Dana says laughing.

"Oh yeah that's right. It's okay girls, you all looked great." Rebecca says and we all laugh.

Dana's POV

After we ate we watched a couple of movies and then decided to go to bed. It's been such a long, yet eventful day.

I can't stop thinking about those boys, they're so weird, but funny. Shannon and I have made two new friends already, I think we're going to have the best time here.

So the girls are all moved in and getting to know their room mates Rebecca and Hannah.
I wonder how well they get on living across the hall from the boys.

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Thanks guys!

Shannon x

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