Chapter 22

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Rebecca's POV:

The boys have been finished tour for a couple of weeks now and the girls and I have been quite busy with Diva Wars. I've made so many vlogs it's unbelievable and Hannah has been rehearsing monologues and lines so many times, even I know them off by heart. Dana is currently in her room strumming her guitar and writing a new song and Shannon is out trying to get inspiration for her next piece of art.

As I'm working on a plan for my next vlog, Hannah comes into our room being her hyper self, jumping around to music and singing, quite badly.

"Hannah, do you mind? I'm trying to work here?" I groan at her.

"Fine, you're such a bore! I'll go see what Dana's doing!" She huffs and throws the hairbrush she was using as a microphone at me. She misses me and it hits the glass of water on my beside table and of course it spills all over my laptop and it crashes.

"Oh my lord! Are you serious?!" I scream, quickly trying to dry up the water. I press the on button loads of times but nothing happens, it's completely broken. Typical.

I stand in the doorway of Dana and Shannon's room to find Hannah and Dana having a jamming session.

"Guys I hate to interrupt but my laptop has just broken. I'm going to have to leave it down in storage because it'll just take up unnecessary room up here." I sigh.

"Okay." They reply at the same time and go back to singing thier song. Which was Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran.

I leave the flat and make my way down to storage. I can't believe it, this would only happen to me. Now I'm going to have to spend loads on a new laptop.

I arrive at the storage room and finally force the heavy door open. I finally find the light switch on the wall and turn it on revealing a dirty, dusty, old, cramped room basically filled with a pile of rubbish no one uses. Skis? Seriously? I hope they get the weather they're expecting to use those.

I could have swore Shannon said she had moved some of her art supplies down here, I was hoping I could leave my laptop with her stuff but I can't see any.

This room would be so much nicer if there was more light let in. There's a window hidden behind all these dust sheets and stuff. I could move those and it would let the light in.

As I begin to move all this junk around and get closer to the window I see one of the sheets moving. So help me God, if this is a rat I am going to die. I lift up the sheet to reveal a hand, a human hand!

What the hell is this?! My heart is pounding, I'm sweating and breathing heavily not knowing what this is going to reveal. I study the hand more, I'm not ready to reveal the rest yet. There's a bracelet on the wrist, it looks very familiar. Like the one I gave Brooklyn when we first got together. This is weird.

Before I could move any more of the sheet off the table, four figures suddenly stand up and throw the sheets off of them. I scream and step back, ready to run.

Wait, that's Brooklyn, and Andy, and Rye, and Mikey. This better be a dream. What is happening? I'm so confused.

I stand there staring at these things in shock. I don't know what to think. I hear what sounds like a camera sound behind me, it startles me and quickly turn around to see what it was but no one is there.

This is creeping me out. I need to leave. I quickly turn the light off and run out of the room and up to the flat.

"What took you so long?" Hannah asks. I come in and sit down on the sofa in Shannon and Dana's room, still feeling shocked and scared.

"You know the way Shannon's been acting dodgy for a while now?" I ask them.

"Yeah." They reply.

"Oh God, what's happened?" Dana asks.

"I think I just found out what she's been doing." I say taking a deep breath.

"Seriously? Well what is it?" Hannah questions.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I reply.

"Well will you show us?" Dana asks sounding eager.

"Yeah, but I'm just letting you know now. It's beyond messed up and creepy. I don't know what she was thinking." I warn.

"Come on then!" Hannah says getting up.

"I'm scared." Dana says.

"Come on quickly before Shannon gets back." I reply and we all make our way down to the storage room.

Andy's POV:

"Come on boys, we need to get going!" Blair shouts from his room.

"Okay!" We chorus in response.

The boys and I are filming a new cover today. Castle On The Hill by Ed Sheeran. We're going to Windsor to film it.

"I think this is going to be the best cover we've ever done." Mikey says excitedly.

"Yeah I agree, this song is sick! The Roadies are going to love it!" Brooklyn pipes up.

After a short car journey we arrive in Windsor and we're ready to start filming.

"Alright boys, don't take it too seriously and just be yourselves. Try to be professional at the same time if that makes sense." Blair explains.

"Yeah Blair, total sense." I reply sarcastically and laugh.

"Shut up." He laughs.

"Can we start now?" Rye whines, he's so excited to get started.

"Okay! Let's do this!" Blair says beginning to film and the boys run around like lunatics.

So guys! The girls are on the verge of finding out Shannon's little project. I wonder what will happen next. I hope you enjoy this chapter!



Thanks, Shannon x 

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