Chapter 14

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Dana's POV:

The girls and I have been working so hard lately between preparing and filming Diva Wars. We're having the time of our lives, our fanbase is growing everyday. We love seeing new faces on Twitter and all our social media. All the rubbish with the RoadTrip fans is still ongoing but we're learning to deal with it.

I just wish Shannon would be more committed. She seems so distracted lately, Rebecca and Hannah have noticed it too. She's not being her usual, bubbly self. It used to be once one episode of Diva Wars was filmed, she was planning what she was going to do for the next one. Now she's been leaving it all to the last minute. The viewers and the producers have noticed it too, she hasn't been putting in a lot of effort. I'm scared she might get cut from the show if things don't change.

On the other hand, the boys are still loving watching us make fools of ourselves on national TV and they couldn't be more supportive of us. We seem to be getting asked to make more and more appearances and having interviews for magazines, it's so surreal.

All of this is still so new to us, we're always so conscious of saying the wrong thing in interviews and spend hours getting ready to make sure we look perfect before making appearances.

Hannah's POV:

My alarm goes off and I sleepily pick up my phone and turn off the alarm. 7am, what human being gets up at this time? Not me, that's for sure and definitely not Shannon, she's the worst at early mornings but we have an interview with Sparkle magazine today at the Diva Wars studio.

"Up." I say. Turning over and throwing a pillow at Rebecca across the room and it lands right on her head. That was skill, I bet I couldn't do that again if I tried. Rebecca grunts and sleepily checks her phone.

"Dana I will kill you! Do you know that?!" That's Shannon been woken, I laugh to myself. She's really not a morning person.

*At the interview*

"Welcome girls, I'm Claire from Sparkle magazine. I'm glad you could join me today." She says shaking our hands and sitting down across the table from us in the conference room.

"Hey, thank you for having us." Rebecca replies politely.

"Let's make a start. I have taken some questions from your fans from social media and I will also be asking some of my own questions." She explains, smiling. She's too cheery for like 9 in the morning.

"Fine by us." Dana replies.

"Cool, so this is a question from a fan. If you could be any member of your group for a day, who would it be?" She finishes reading and looks up at us.

D- "I'd straight up be Rebecca, I would give anything to be able to record and edit videos as well as she does, she has an amazing talent."

H- "I think I'd be Shannon. It would be cool being able to draw and design things so well and have such a way with colour. She's also more up tight than I am, I think I'm too laid back sometimes."

R- "I've always wanted to give acting a go so I'd definitely be Hannah. I think it would be sick being able to be whoever you wanted to be and play any role. She's also very confident and I think I would benefit from being more confident."

S- "As well as art, I've always loved music and singing so I'd 1000% want to be Dana. I'd love to learn an instrument and although I do sing a little bit, I'd love to develop it and actually do something with it. I think that would be cool." 

"All great answers girls. Here's the next one. If you could describe your experience on Diva Wars so far in one word, what would it be." Claire says.

H- "Uplifting!"

D- "Competitive!"

R- "Surreal!"

S- "Encouraging!"

"Brilliant." Claire says looking through her sheets of paper and scribbling stuff down.

Rebecca's POV:

The interview goes on for a while and we answer so many questions about our experience on the show and what fans can expect in the future. Not to mention some really weird ones taken from our social media, it's amazing what some people want to know about you. Everything from shoe size to who you would save in a zombie apocalypse.

I think I could get used to this, living with my best friends, recording a TV show, doing interviews, meeting fans. I'm loving every second of this, I'm so grateful for what this opportunity has given me. I'm sure the girls are too.

"Okay, last question girls. All these answers have been amazing, thanks so much for participating so well. This question is quite personal and it is, are you all single?" She asks with a smile on her face.

The girls and I look at each other with smirks on our faces. We've never been asked this before! We haven't been prepared for this! What should we say?! We're all sitting there looking at each other as if to say "You say, I ain't doing it!"

"Ooooh!" Claire laughs and sits up in her seat, getting ready for some gossip.

"We've um, never been asked this before." Shannon speaks up, and nervously plays with her fingers, not giving any eye contact. "But we are all seeing someone." She admits, smiling slightly and we all laugh.

"! Really?! This is amazing!" Claire replies sounding like a teenage girl, her eyes widening and her voice so high pitched.

"Yeap." Hannah says.

"Well come on, who are they? Where did you meet?" Claire asks excitedly, I don't think this is a professional interview anymore. 

"They live across the hall from us." Dana says.

"Interesting, so they all live together?" Claire asks, practically on our side of the table because she's leaning over that much.

"Yeah, they're a boyband." I say.

"How hot is that though? You couldn't get a hotter profession in my eyes. You scored well girls! What's the band called?" She says.

"RoadTrip." Shannon replies.

"Original, I like it. We'll maybe have to get all of you guys in for an interview together, that would be fun." Claire replies.

"Fabulous!" Hannah says excitedly.

"Well girls, I'm sorry to say that that's all we've got time for today. Thanks so much for coming in and chatting to me. I just want to congratulate you all on how well you are doing and keep it up." Claire says shaking our hands again and packing her stuff up.

"Thanks again for having us!" Dana says.

"Yeah we had such a good time." Shannon says.

"See you soon!" Says Rebecca.

"Thanks girls, bye!" Claire says leaving the room.


Hey guys! I hope you like this part!



Thanks, Shannon x

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