Chapter 18

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Shannon's POV:

"Shan! Hurry up or we're leaving without you, wherever you are!" Blair's voice shouts through our building.

"I'm coming!" I shout back.

That'll have to do. I place my last dish carefully under the heat lamp and cover everything over and quickly run out of the storage room and up the stairs to the flat.

"Where were you?" Blair asks, sounding annoyed as I bump into him.

"I, was um, putting some of my art supplies down in the storage room. There's not enough room in the flat for them." I lie, trying to sound convincing.

"Oh, okay. Now hurry up please!" Blair says clapping his hands twice.

"Yes Blair, I heard you the first one million times." I say sarcastically and running into my flat and grab my bags.

"Shut up you." Blair laughs as we arrive at the already filled car. Today is the first day of the RoadTrip tour and the boys asked us to come with them.

"What time do you call this?" Rye says sarcastically.

"Nice of you to join us Shan." Rebecca says.

"Oh, we better make sure we have enough room for all those bags of yours." Mikey jokes.

"Shut up guys!" I laugh, throwing my bags into the boot of the car and making my way into the back beside Andy.

"Seriously though, what kept you?" Andy laughs as I get comfy and put my seat belt on.

I look at him and smile. "Did I really take that long?"

"Well we all have been waiting here for like 20 minutes." He laughs, pulling me into him.

"Soz guys!" I announce to the full car.

"You better be!" Blair jokes, starting to drive.

"Shan, if we're late. You can get up on the stage and tell the Roadies why. Okay?" Brooklyn laughs.

"Sure, no problem. I will take the full blame for this." I laugh.

"There's a first time for everything I suppose." Andy says jokingly and laughs.

"Excuse me?" I joke. "What is that supposed to mean?" I continue.

"Shan, you never taken the blame for anything. As long as I've known you, you've always blamed other people." Dana laughs.

"Yeah, like the other day when you spilt tea on Rebecca's laptop and you blamed Dana for it." Hannah laughs.

"That was you?!" Rebecca says, actually sounding quite angry.

"Oh yeah!" I laugh and all the boys laugh.

"Sorry Becca, I'll buy you a new and even better one! I promise!" I say.

"I'll believe it when I see it." She jokes.

Brooklyn's POV:

I can't believe we're on tour again! This is amazing! I'm so excited! I love seeing the Roadies faces light up while we're on stage, it is literally the best feeling ever. To make it even better, my beautiful girlfriend Rebecca is here to see me do what I love. What could be better?

Rye's POV:

A month on the road with my brothers playing shows to all our fans! Our gorgeous girlfriends here to support us! I really couldn't think of a better situation to be in right now.

Mikey's POV:

I genuinely can't believe how much the Roadies do for us. We're on tour again! This is insane! They are the ones that make all of this possible for us, they're allowing us to follow our dreams. I wish I could thank every single Roadie in person for what they do for us. I'm going to make it happen someday.

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