Chapter 13

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Shannon's POV:

"Don't do it! Don't do it!" I think to myself as I stare at my chest of drawers from my bunk. It's been around a month since the girls and I had our meet up in London and the hate on all our social media has gotten worse.

I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. All I could think about for the past month is how I could fix this and the only thing that comes to mind is those cloning details I've hidden in the bottom of my drawer. There's got to be another way.

All the girls are out today so it would give me time to look a bit deeper into this cloning process. Dana is over at the boys' flat writing songs with Mikey, Rebecca is off filming a new video for her YouTube channel with Brook and Hannah and Rye have gone to Westfield for the day. Andy and Blair will be at the studio all day so I guess it's just me.

I've tried everything to take my mind off this insane idea, there must be something seriously wrong with me for wanting to start cloning. I've tried running, cleaning, reading, even drawing, my favourite thing in the world can't even make me take my mind off this.

I guess I'm just going to have to put my mind at ease and see if it actually works. I jump down from my bed and open my chest of drawers and dig through my clothes until I find the paper I wrote the details down on. I read the notes on the paper as I make my way out of the flat and down to the storage room.

"What the hell am I doing? This is probably going to be a waste of time anyway" I think to myself.

I shut the door of the storage room behind me and leave myself in darkness. I feel around the wall for the light switch and turn it on. I look around and the place is full of boxes filled with everything and anything you could imagine from bikes and sports equipment to candy floss machines and bouncy castles. I guess you could say the people in our building are in to some pretty weird stuff.

I clear myself a space in the middle of the room and find an old deck chair and sit down, studying my notes.

"There's got to be some stuff here I can practice on." I think to myself, looking around for something inspirational. I find an old, worn out Barbie doll with a missing leg and a ripped dress. Kids are aggressive these days, I'm not going to lie.

I pick her up and sit down in my chair again studying her. I'm sure she'll do. Now I have to actually get all of this stuff to clone things from somewhere.

*2 weeks later.*

Shannon's POV:

It's taken a couple of weeks but I've finally got everything I need to test this out. I decided to come down here for an hour or so again to see if I can actually make a start. I've told the girls I've gone for a run, I think they're starting to get suspicious. Andy is focusing on getting ready for tour so I don't think he's too bothered.

I've set up my own little workshop in the back of the storage room that I can cover with old dust sheets when I'm done. No one really comes down here anyway.

I lay out all my stuff and pick up the deformed Barbie doll, with my notes sitting beside me to make sure I do everything right. I pull off one of the hairs from the doll and put a few drops of my solution on it and carefully pick it up with tweezers and set it in a little plastic tray under a heated lamp.

I used everything that the instructions said to make the solution that does the cloning, I just hope I made it right. I apparently have to wait around 24 hours before anything happens and it must stay under the heat lamp, the whole time. I cover everything up as best as I can and turn off the light and head up to the flat.

"Hey girls." I say walking into the kitchen where everyonr is and grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

"Have a nice run did you?" Rebecca asks suspiciously.

"What?" I reply forgetting I had told them I was going for a run.
"I mean, yeah it was good. It's cold out there though." I say quickly.

"Idiot!" I say to myself.

The girls look at each other. I take a drink of water and go to my room and lay on my bed, scrolling through Twitter and replying to some dms. I can hear faint whispers coming from the kitchen.

"Why's she being so weird?" Hannah asks.

"As long as I've known her, she has never voluntarily done any type of exercise." Dana says.

"It is weird, but I don't think we should pressure her guys. If something is going on, she'll tell us eventually." Rebecca says.

"You're right." Hannah agrees.

"I can hear you, you know!" I laugh and shout from my bed.

"Shit!" The three of them whisper at the same time.

Hey guys! It's been a while since I last updated so I thought it was about time you guys were due another chapter!

I wonder what Shannon is planning to do and will anyone ever find out?
Let me know in the comments if you have any ideas about what she's doing!

I hope you enjoyed this part! Remember to vote if you did! Your support means so much!

Thanks, Shannon x

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