Chapter 3

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Shannon's POV

I wake up to the loudest sound known to man and Dana quickly turning her alarm off and rolling out of bed and accidentally standing on me.

"Oh my gosh! Shan I'm so sorry, I forgot you were there." She gushes and laughs a little.

"It's fine." I groan from her bedroom floor. I grab my phone and squint at it while my eyes adjust to the light. 5am, it should be illegal to get up at this time. This is insane, it's dark outside so therefore in my eyes it's the middle of the night!

"Get up!" Dana shouts from the bathroom. "We're leaving at 6! I can't believe today is the day!" She screams.

I slowly sit up and rub my eyes. "What have I got myself into?" I think so myself as I quickly get changed into black ripped jeans, a t shirt and black converse. I help myself to Dana's straighteners as most of my stuff is packed away. I quickly straighten my hair.

"Are you finished in the bathroom yet? I need to do my make up." I say while walking towards the bathroom and find Dana trying to brush her teeth and her hair at the same time.

"What the hell are you doing?" I laugh.

"You know how long it takes me to get ready. I'm just trying to speed things up a bit." Dana says, toothbrush still in her mouth and using both hands to brush her hair.

"How's that working out for you?" I laugh.

"Aren't you just hilarious?" She replies sarcastically.

"Just hurry up please!" I say and go back to her bedroom and start to put the last of my stuff into my bags. About ten minutes passed when Dana finally emerges from the bathroom still in her pyjamas with her hair done. I look at her in shock.

"Do you mean to tell me that it took you over ten minutes to brush your teeth and your hair?" I ask.

"Well yeah, it takes time to look this good." She laughs and flips her hair.

"Alright you." I laugh and throw some clothes at her. "You'll not get far in your pyjamas love." I say while making my way to the bathroom with my make up.

When I finally get my make up the way I want and arrive back in Dana's room, she's finally ready and it's almost 6am.

"We really should get going if we're getting this train." Dana says as she goes to see if her parents are ready to take us to the station.

The car is finally packed and we're on our way to the station to get the train to London. The train journey will take roughly two hours and Dana is getting the whole 'Be Safe' lecture from her parents. I look over and see her texting someone and agreeing to everything her parents are saying, not paying attention at all.

I laugh to myself and look out the window as we travel through the city of Manchester and wonder to myself when I will see these places again. It could be weeks or months before we're back home again. I'm really going to miss this, I just hope this TV show is just as good as everyone is expecting it to be.

"I just got a text from one of the producers, he's going to meet us at the station in London and take us to the flat." Dana says excitedly.

"Cool, I hope the flat is going to be nice with no annoying neighbours or anything." I laugh as we arrive at the station.

Dana's POV

We've arrived in London, I am unbelievably excited for this! This is going to be the best experience for us, our chance to get noticed for our talents. We make our way from the platform to the main entrance of the station to find a quite well dressed man holding a piece of paper with our names on it. I'm pretty sure we're not in an airport but whatever floats his boat I suppose.

"Hi girls, my name is Matt and I'll be showing you around the area so you can familiarise yourself with it and of course show you where you're going to be living for the next few months."

"Hi, I'm Dana and this is Shannon." I say shaking his hand.

"Hi." Shannon says and shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you girls, now let's get you to your flat. Your room mates have already arrived. They came over from Northern Ireland, they seem nice. Their accent is quite hard to understand though." Matt says laughing.

"It's okay, I was born in Northern Ireland and my parents are from there so I can translate for yous." Shannon says.

"That's great to know." Matt says "I will probably be needing you." He laughs.

We pack up the car and Matt begins to drive us towards our flat. He points out different shops and places he says we will need and they will help us to remember our way around the area. He also shows us the studio where most of the show will be filmed.

"There's an Asda very near your flat, it's walking distance so that will be handy for you and you'll be able to get everything you need." He explains.

"Oh that's good." I reply excitedly. "What are the flats like?"

Matt laughs "Someone's excited. The flats are lovely, quite modern and they're in a nice quiet area. Mainly occupied by young people like yourselves and some families. There's a lovely little playground outside them too." Matt tells us.

"They sound really nice." Shannon chimes in.

"Here we are girls, welcome home." Matt says as we pull up outside an average looking block of flats. We get out and lift our bags from the boot of the car.

"I'd love to stay and help you in with your bags girls but I have other people to pick up and drop off all over London today. Here's your key and you're in flat number 66. See you tomorrow, you're needed at the studio to go over a few things for the show but we don't start filming until next week. So you basically have a week to get to know the area and get settled in." Matt explains as he gets back in the car and drives away.

"So this is it, it's really happening." Shannon says as she stands beside me looking at our new home.

"Let's go!" I scream, making my way to the door of the building. I push it but it won't budge.

"Let me try" Shannon says as she pushes me out of the way, she couldn't get it open either.

All of a sudden the door flies open and a herd of boys run into us while laughing.

"We are so sorry, we didn't see you there. Are you okay?" A boy with curly black hair says. "I'm Mikey, I live in the building with my friends Andy, Brooklyn and Rye." He says pointing at the boys and they wave, not taking his eyes off Dana.

"Yeah we're fine, I'm Shannon and this is Dana." I say.

"That's good, again we're so sorry aren't we boys?" Mikey says.

"Yes." The boys reply.

"Come on Mikey, we have to go." Andy says snapping Mikey out of his trance.

"Right, yeah. Let me get the door for you two." He says pushing the door open and holding it for us.

"Thanks, see you around." I say smiling as we enter the building.

"Sure, see ya." Mikey smiles and walks away with the boys.

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since I last updated.

So the girls are finally in London and have had their first encounter with the boys. What will happen next?

Hope you liked this chapter! Let me know in the comments!

Shannon xx

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