Chapter 5

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Andy's POV

It's been a few days since the girls moved in across from us. We've bumped into them a few times, they seem nice. I'd really like to get to know them more and I'm sure the boys would like to too. We haven't even got to find out why they have moved here yet.

"Boys I'm going for a walk to Asda, do any of you want anything?" I shout from the kitchen.

"No thanks!" They all shout back at the same time.

"Okay, see you in a bit." I say walking out of the flat.

I arrive at Asda and pick up a few things and head to the self checkout thing. I begin to scan my stuff through and find Shannon at the one beside me struggling to scan her items.

"You need to hit the start button." I say laughing slightly.

She looks up "Oh, hi Andy. Uh, yeah I knew that." She replies, her cheeks going red.

"Where are the rest of the girls?" I ask.

"They're all back at the flat, they were too lazy to come." She replies laughing. "Where's the boys?"

"They're at the flat too." I say as she finishes scanning and bagging her items. "Let me take some of those for you." I say lifting some of her bags.

"Oh Andy, you don't have to. I can manage." She protests.

"I insist." I say smiling at her.

"Okay then." She smiles back. She has the nicest smile.

"Let's go!" I say making my way to the doors and out into the cold again.

As we're making our way back to the flats. We talk about random stuff like music and sport.

"Watch that brick." Shannon says pointing to the ground. I quickly look down to the pavement but there's nothing there. And look up to see Shannon standing beside me laughing.

"I can't believe you fell for that." She says while laughing.

I laugh "Oh is this the game you want to play? You got it." I say "You see that bin?" I point at a wheely bin outside someone's house. "You're going in it." I say laughing and moving towards Shannon.

She immediately stops laughing "You wouldn't dare." She says backing away a little.

"Watch me." I say picking her up over my shoulder.

"Okay! Andy I'm sorry! I won't do it again. Please put me down!" She pleads, she's so cute. I can't help but smile listening to her voice.

"It's too late for apologies miss, no one makes a fool out of Andy Fowler except me." I laugh as I get closer to the bin.

"Andy please! I'm begging you!" She laughs.

"No no, you brought this on yourself." I laugh and pretend to drop her in the bin and she screams.

I laugh and put her down. "I'll let you have this one. You're lucky."

She laughs "I actually thought you were going to put me in that bin. I would have killed you."

"Na you wouldn't" I joke as we reach the little playground outside our flats.

"How come?" She questions.

"You like me too much and you'd miss me a lot." I say smiling.

She laughs "Well I suppose you are a nice guy." She says kicking a can along the pavement.

"Do you wanna hang out here for a bit?" I ask hoping she'll want to spend more time with me.

"Sure." She says smiling.

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