Chapter 24

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Dana's POV:

The girls and I found out about the clones a week ago and Shannon is still obsessed with them. She somehow persuaded Hannah, Rebecca and I to help her work on them more with her and as a result, the clones can now talk. How bizarre is that? Just when I thought they couldn't get more creepy, I was clearly wrong.

The girls and I need to be so much more careful with this whole clone thing. The boys have almost caught us a few times.

We decided to have yet another chill day today as the boys are going to the gym and the studio today and we have no filming to do.

"Girls get in here!" Shannon's voice erupts through the flat.

"What now?" Hannah asks, making her way into Shannon and I's room

Rebecca and I abandon our food in the kitchen and go into my room and sit down.

"What's up?" Rebecca asks.

"Listen to how sick this is! This girl messaged me on Twitter asking if she could have a clone of Rye!" She explains.

"That is disgusting! That is my boyfriend!" Hannah agrees, sounding disgusted.

"That is pretty creepy." I say.

"Guys, wait a minute. This could be the answer to all of our problems!" Rebecca says excitedly.

"What do you mean?" Shannon asks.

"Well the Roadies are hating on us because we're going out with the boys! But if they had a boy of their own, it would stop the hate! I know it sounds creepy, but think about it, the clones aren't the real RoadTrip and they never will be. This way, we can give the Roadies what they've always wanted." She explains.

"Do you know what? In some sick, twisted way. I actually agree with this." Shannon says.

"I think it would definitely help us in the long run, as creeped out as I am thinking about a Roadie having her way with Rye."

"Let's do it! But the boys can never find out about this! Ever!" I agree.

Shannon's POV:

So the girls and I got to work and created another clone of Rye, it took a few weeks but we worked with him until he was functioning almost like a human, as close as we could get really. We got back to the girl on Twitter and eventually shipped him off to her somewhere in America.

I know all of this sounds crazy, but when you've gone through everything that the girls and I have went through you would literally do anything to stop it. It's worth a try.

Since we sent out that first clone of Rye, the girls and I have been bombarded with messages from Roadies all over the world asking for a clone.

"Here's another one girls, asking for a Brooklyn." Hannah says looking at her phone.

"Where's she from?" Rebecca asks.

"Japan." Hannah replies.

"You know, I think we should start charging for this. It's costing us a lot to ship these to the other side of the world." Dana says.

"That's a good idea. We could even set up a website where they can choose which boy they want and we can just check that, instead of our phones blowing up all the time." I say.

"And to make it even more worth the money, they can choose which outfit they want their clone dressed in." Rebecca adds.

"I think we're really on to something here girls." Says Hannah.

"I'll start making the website now." Rebecca says grabbing her laptop.

"I'll go get some more supplies." I say getting up and getting ready.

"I'll write down some requests." Hannah says.

"I'll do some more research about this." Dana says.

There we go guys! That's the power of social media for you! How do you feel about this? Should the girls be doing this? Let me know what you think.

Sorry this part is so short, I really wanted to get something up for you guys.

Hope you enjoy it!



Thanks, Shannon x

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