Chapter 17

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Rebecca's POV:

"Guys, Shan's been gone for ages." I say.

"Yeah she has." Brooklyn agrees.

"She probably got distracted by a butterfly or something." Andy laughs and the boys join in.

"She'll be fine, Becca. She's a big girl, she can look after herself." Hannah says as she tries to pluck Rye's eyebrows.

"No way! This is not happening babe!" Rye screams, trying to move away from Hannah.

"Please Rye! I thought you were a man!" She says, trying to blackmail him.

"Fine, but I'm only doing this for you." He replies and they both laugh.

"Well, I'm going to leave you to whatever this is and go see where Shannon is." I laugh and get up.

"Miss you already Becca!" Brooklyn whines.

"Eugh, pass me a bucket." Andy comments.

"Shut up And!" Brooklyn shouts and Andy laughs.

I walk out of the boys flat to see Shannon running up the stairs and stopping outside our apartment, fixing her hair and getting her breath back. She hasn't seen me yet.

"Shan?" I say and she jumps and turns around to look at me.

"Oh, hey girl." She smiles.

"What are you doing?" I question and her face drops, as if she's thinking of something to say.

"Oh, eh, um" She stutters. "Our flat fused and I was downstairs checking the fuse board thing." She replies, not sounding that convincing.

"Oh really? Wouldn't the whole building have fused as well? The boys flat was fine." I say, testing her.

"Jeez, I don't know Becca. Maybe there's a glitch in the system or something." She replies, getting agitated.

"Alright, whatever you say. I was just asking. Are you coming back over here or what?" I say.

"Yeah, I'll be over in a minute." She says and walks into our flat.

Well that was weird.

Shannon's POV:

"Idiot!" I say standing on the other side of the door. Why am I so stupid? She almost caught me! I need to get my story straight before I go back over there. She so knows there's something up.

I quickly reapply some make up and put my hair up and go back over to the boys flat.

"Rye! Stop moving!" Hannah shouts.

"I'm sorry! It hurts!" He shouts back.

Everyone watches and laughs. Brooklyn is snapchatting it and Andy is vlogging from his bed. I sit on the sofa and enjoy the entertainment.

"Right, since you boys are finding this so entertaining. I want the girls to pluck your eyebrows and see how you like it. Whoever gives in first, has to get a full face of make up done and have a picture of it posted on every social media." Rye challenges.

The boys immediately stop laughing and Andy turns the camera on him to show the fear on his face.

"Come on Rye, that's a bit harsh." Mikey says sounding uncomfortable.

"Rye, that is a bit savage mate." Andy agrees.

"Aww are you boys scared?" Dana jokes.

"Shut up you." Mikey laughs.

"I'll do it! I think it'll be funny!" Brooklyn shouts.

"Yes Brook!" Rye shouts.

"Personally, I think yous should do it." Hannah says laughing.

"Same." I say.

"Me too." Rebecca says.

"This could be our payback from yous scaring us the other day." Dana suggests.

"Okay, that's fair." Mikey agrees.

"Andy?" Rye asks and we all look at him.

"Okay, fine." He sighs.

"Yes!" The whole room shouts.

"What the hell have we go ourselves in to?" Mikey says into the camera, taking it from Andy.

"This is going to be brilliant." Andy says laughing.

"I can't wait to see Brooklyn's face." Mikey laughs.

"Andy mate, you're going to struggle with this." Rye says.

"Thanks for the support buddy." He replies.

"We've caught all of this on camera, we can't back out now!" Brooklyn says.

"I can't wait for this." Rebecca says laughing.

"Course you can't." Brooklyn replies and grabs her, pulling her on top of him.

Hannah's POV:

The girls and I had such a good night with the boys. We haven't done that type of thing in ages, it was so nice to be back together as a group again.

The girls and I are chilling in our flat, talking and laughing as we usually do. Although, Shannon seems a bit distracted. Maybe Rebecca is right, maybe there is something wrong. She's been acting weird for ages.

"You okay Shannon?" I ask.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just tired." She replies flicking through mentions on Twitter.

"I suggest yous don't go on Twitter tonight girls." She says angrily and throwing her phone at the wall.

"Wow! Calm down!" Dana says.

"What's up with you these days?" I ask.

"I ain't paying for any damages doll." Rebecca jokes.

"Guys I'm fine! Okay?" She snaps, getting agitated.

"Fine, forget we said anything." Dana says.

Shannon's POV:

I can't deal with this hate any longer. I mean it this time. I'm tired of feeling sick every time I get a notification, no one should live like this. It's not fair.

This has been going on for too long and I'm going to put an end to it. For my sake and my friends. The boys love us and they deserve to be happy, now I just have to shut these girls up for good.

I pick up my laptop and do some research, this ends now.


Hey guys! Here's another chapter for you! I hope you enjoy it! I can't thank you enough for the support so far!



Thanks, Shannon x

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