Chapter 25

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Mikey's POV:

"Boys?" I ask.



"Mm?" I get in return as they're all on their phones.

"Is it just me or do you think the girls have been a bit off with us or something?" I ask.

"You know, now that you say that. Rebecca has been acting super weird lately. She didn't even let me use her laptop the other day to watch movies on, she usually does." Brooklyn replies.

"Shannon's been acting weird since tour, I've kinda go used to it." Andy laughs.

"Hannah hasn't really been as chatty as she usually is, it's worrying me slightly." Says Rye.

"Dana has definitely been off with me, I wonder what's bothering them." I say, I'm so concerned about the girls.

"Should we ask them?" Brooklyn suggests.

"Nah, I say they'll tell us when they're ready." Andy replies.

"Or it could be nothing. It could be just a girl thing." Rye says, sounding chilled about it all.

"Maybe we should just leave it then." I say, sitting back and going back to editing our new vlog.

Shannon's POV:

So the girls and I have finally made a website for this little business of ours and the requests are flying in. It's been about 3 weeks since we set it up and we've had about 500 requests so we have been super busy.

We've now filmed the last episodes of Diva Wars so we have more free time and told the boys that we were needed for interviews and press stuff. I feel awful lying to Brooklyn but I suppose these things just have to be done sometimes. The hate is never going to stop unless we do this.

We're all currently in the storage room which just so happens to be located directly below the boys flat, working frantically to try and get as many of the new requests shipped off as possible. I genuinely don't think I've ever worked this hard in my life.

Working as quickly and as quietly as possible, the girls and I are flying through these requests. Rebecca is in charge of recording, Hannah is in charge of collecting the clone, Dana is in charge of dressing the clone and I'm in charge of boxing and shipping. I can't believe that this is actually working, people will think we're lunatics.

"Right! Who messed up Mikey's eye colour?" Hannah shouts, looking at Rebecca.

"What are you looking at me for? I've had nothing to do with making them!" Rebecca shouts back.

"Guys be quiet! The boys will hear us!" I warn.

"I'm not being accused of something I didn't do!" Rebecca continues.

"We're working against the clock here! We don't have time for these silly mistakes!" Hannah shouts.

"Guys just chill! Seriously!" Dana says trying to control the situation.

"Yeah guys! Shut up before we get caught!" I say.

"What the hell is going on?" A voice shouts in disgust coming from the direction of the door.

The girls and I jump, not hearing anyone arrive because of the commotion. All four of our heads turn towards the door to reveal a very angry, freaked out and disgusted looking Rye, Andy, Brooklyn and Mikey.


"Look, we can explain!" I say.

"Shannon! Get up! You're going to be late for work!" My mum shouts and I open my eyes, adjusting my eyes to the light streaming through a crack in my curtains.

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