Chapter 20

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Dana's POV:

The girls and I have made it safely through the sea of Roadies and stand as a four next to the boys. The first few fans begin to meet the boys, giving long hugs, taking selfies and being given gifts. I watch Mikey taking pictures and talking to a fan. I've never seen him look happier, I love watching him interact with his fans. You can just tell by the look on his face that these moments mean the absolute world to him.

The girls and I stand waiting nervously for the fans to make their way towards us.

"Be brave girls, we've got this!" Shannon quietly encourages.

The first couple of girls arrive and they talk to Hannah for a bit, hugging her and exchanging compliments with her and take a few pictures. They then do the same with Shannon and Rebecca. At least these girls seem nice.

"Hey Dana!" One of them says pleasantly.

"Hi, how are you?" I reply, smiling and hugging her.

"I'm great, the show was amazing! I can't believe I'm actually getting to meet you. I was hoping you and the girls would be here!" She says excitedly.

"Aw that means so much, thank you." I reply between taking selfies.

"By the way, I ship Dikey so much! I love you guys together! You guys are made for each other!" The girls says sounding genuine.

"Aw that's so sweet! Thanks so much!" I say.

"Do you think I could get a picture with you and Mikey?" She asks sounding hopeful.

"Of course! That would be cool!" I reply.

"Michael!" I shout in his direction, interrupting him messing about with Brooklyn.

"Yeah babe?" He shouts back.

"Come here please." I reply.

"What have I done now?" He jokes and runs over.

"This lovely young lady would like a picture with both of us. Can we make that happen please?" I ask nicely.

"Aw yeah of course we can!" He replies excitedly. He wraps his arms around me from behind and rests his chin on my shoulder and the girl stands on the other side of him, taking the photo.

"This is amazing! Thank you so much!" She says before getting pushed on by security.

Rebecca's POV:

This meet and greet with Brooklyn's fans seems to be going better than I thought it would. The majority of the girls have been really nice, others have just completely blanked us which is understandable I guess. Some of them have even gone to the extent of taking pictures and speaking to three out of the four of us. Clearly an indication as to who their favourite member of RoadTrip is.

We're trying not to take it seriously and have a good time but sometimes it's difficult in these situations. I think all of us have had some snide comment made to us about our boys. We're about half way through the meet and greet and I still feel sick with nerves seeing the next few fans coming towards us.

"Rebecca!" A young girl around 9 screams as she hugs me.

"Hi there, how are you?" I reply hugging her.

"I'm great. I'm such a big fan of yours. I've watched all your videos like a billion times." She tells me, looking up at me smiling.

"Aw that's amazing, thank you so much!" I say after taking a few selfies with her.

"By the way, Brooklyn is my boyfriend too." She sweetly informs me.

"I'm sure we can share him." I reply smiling at her as she moves on to meet Dana.

Hannah's POV:

"Hey!" I say as the next fan walks towards me. She looks around 18 years old.

"Hi Hannah." She hugs me.
"Rye can do so much better than you. Like me for example." She whispers in my ear, pulling away from the hug and smiling at me evilly.

She quickly moves on to meet Shannon, still glaring at me. I can't believe she just said that. My stomach is churning and I feel the colour draining from my face. Dealing with this never gets any easier.

"Hey, you okay?" Shannon quietly asks me.

"She just told me that Rye can do so much better than me." I tell her with a sigh.

"Hannah don't listen to her, she's just jealous. Don't worry, we're almost done now." She reassures me, hugging me.

I can't wait till this is over.

Shannon's POV:

The next fan walks towards me. She stops in front of me and looks me up and down and laughs.

"I don't know what he sees in you." She says and walks away.

Ouch, that was harsh. I'm 100% done with this.

*Skip the rest of tour*

Shannon's POV:

Blair finally pulls up at the flat after what felt like the longest month of my life. Being on the road for a full month is tough, the tour is now over and the boys absolutely smashed every show. I'm so proud of them, especially Andy.

I quickly jump out of the car and run straight towards the flat. I've been dying to see how my little project is going in.

"I'll just bring you're bags then shall I?" Andy shouts sarcastically after me.

"I'll make it up to you, I promise!" I shout back.

"I'll believe that when I see it!" He laughs.

I charge through the main door of the building, almost concussing one of the kids that lives here.

"Sorry, Molly, Milly, Megan. Whatever your name is!" I shout as I run straight towards the storage room and slamming the door behind me.

"Damn light!" I whisper, feeling around the wall for the light switch and soon turning it on.

As my eyes adjust to the lighting change, I can't believe what I see. Is this for real? It really worked?

I cloned RoadTrip!

Que the Eastenders theme song!

Hey guys! I know it's been ages since the last update and I'm really sorry! I've had so much happening! I hope you enjoy this chapter and hope that you're looking forward to seeing what happens next!

For any of you that were lucky enough to see the boys on tour, I hope you really enjoyed it and I'd love to hear your stories in comments!

I was supposed to go to the Dublin show but as you all know, it got postponed and I'm sadly on holiday for the new date!

Remember to vote and comment!

Thanks, Shannon x

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