fresh start ??

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This is my first book so be nice👼 this book is goning to have mature content and a trigger waring for the whole book realy. Hope you enjoy it anyway

This boy cries chapter 1

I could smell her perfume  as her body got coser to me. Her lips we cold and dry. Along with her hands, traceing across my abs...


I woke up sitting stark up. "You ok?" madeline asked consurned, walking in with a drink as she put the light on makeing my squint "was i screaming again?" i asked as she noddeand i sighed tippimng my head back "nightmair?" she questions. "Compared to some of them no"i replyed as she sighed sitring next to me as i sat up, swing my legs arroumd to sit in the edge ofthe bed.

My cold bair feet dangled onto the even colder wodern floor, makinge cross my leag insted. No one likes cold feet. "Do you want to talk about it?" she questioned as i shook my head. "Was it somethimg thats happemd or made up?"she asked. "I dont want to talk about it"i pointed out. "Corse sorry" she repyed in her thick Welsh acsemt. Even in waes her acsent was strong.

She was a kind harted women. Chuby with red ciry hair and in her mid 40s. The perfect mother figure. "If you need anything...well you know where i am" she replyed as i nodddd. "I know it's hard,but try amd get some sleep, you habe school tomorrow" she replyed. "I dont want to go" i sighed."i know.but you know the school counsler who you said yourselves was lovely. And  kiran defently dose seam amazing" she reyed as i noddded. "Anyway. Try and get some rest yer" she sighed as i nodded,going from my legs crossed position, to getting back ito my bed.

I snugged up to my warm black blsnkets wich were decrsted with a sketch of NYC on them. I tryrd to sleep. But i couldn't. Nothing new there i guess.


I staired aimlessly at my black walls till the bright light peaking thoug the cirtems reaveld the true green colour. They were plain but skaterd

with my drawimgs.

"20 muinits sleep thats all" i exclaimed as madline walked in. "Comsidimg your starimg school thats not bad for you" she replyed as i got up stretching. "Ill be down cooking breakfast" she replyed as i nodded.

I then made my way to the bathroom and showerd before going back to my room and changing into my school uniform. I then grabbed my bag wich was pritry empty. I debated taking my sketch book but didn't.

I then walked downstairs bumping into jessica. "Sorry"i said mumbling. "Its fine. I'll wait for you if you want?" she asked as i shook my head. "You gettig the bus or wating for dad?" she asked.

"I'll wait for david. Wheres madeline gone?"i questions. "Mums just in the back garden" she replyed as i nodded.

madeline and david were great. But, i didnt have a mum or dad. They were just caras to me. 3 months jessica had been here. same as me. She had called them her parents from the start. Honestly i can't blame her. Thet were great. But like i said...i coudnt have that much trus in two people.

"Anyway i better get going" she replyed as i nodded and made my way into the kitchen seeing some toast layed out there. I sighed at the 8 peices along with a bowl, some cirial amd milk also left out. I took a few bites out of the one peice toast before leaving.


Mayside academy

I read the school sing over and over again. It had been so long since i had been to a school. Or had any form of education at that. Not after what happend.

"Hey ben" jessica said as i walked inside and i sighed. "Whos that" a girl asked jessica as i shook my head at jess. "He...a mate" she replyed as this other girl nodded. "Anyway, you singed in amd got your things yet ben?"jessica added as i shook me head. "I'll take you then. See you in lesson " she said to the other girl as she nodded walking off.

"Whats the big deal about beimg in care?" she questioned. "You wouldnt get it" i sighed. "I know your older them me, but even so, it can't be thatbad surley?" she questioned. "You wouldn't have a clue. I'll sort my self out. But thanks for the cop out yer" i replyed walking off.

Jessica had been in care her whole life. They didn't even know who her parenta were. She had beem in the one care home her whole life till i moved there. She saw me as a big brother. Shed wanted to get addopted along with me. I wasn't exactly keen on the idear but some how my social worker puswaded me to go though the prosess again but with her. I guess in some wasya it was a good thing. Gave me some one there to back me up, incase anying happemd you know.

I slowly made my way to the reception, and neversoely waited in the quew. Therewas only two people infornt of me. One in a wheelcahir wating for a lift key wich didn't take long,and another paying money in for some trip. Eventualy it came to me. "And how can i help you?" she asked sighing.

She was an older woman with a souer face and short black hair. " new" i told her. "Name?" sheasked."ben he-jacobs" i replyed.

"How do you forget your oen name" someone called from behind me. He was aboy about my age, with jnger hair, who was just a tat smaler then me with a green baseball jacket over his uniform wich, like mine simply consisted of a black blazes, white shirt and a black and blue tie. "I..i-"back off hunter, hes new" a girl next to him sigheing. She had long mousy blond hair with a light demi jacket over her uniform wich had wool inside.

"New kid who dosent know his own-hang on. Are you related to jessica?" he queationed.

1st negative of addoption. People thinking your realted to your adopted siblings. Well and of corse forgetting your name.

"No. Shee just a mate" i replyed.

"With the same name" he asked as the bell went.

Saved by the bell. I looked at my timetable. I had art. This was going to be interesting.

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