a not so happy return

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This boy cries chapter 8

It was a week later and i hadnt slept. School were now happy for me to go back, he was in isolation and i was doing all my lessons in kirans room. I had been shaking for houers and as the clock turned from PM to AM it didn't stop. My brain didnt stop. Not for one moment.


Despite madaline and David trying there best to make me eat, i didnt. I was practically fprce fed, yet i still managed not to eat. The carare jeorny was quiet, partley due to the fact jessica was there.

Normally that would off made me uncomfortable. As horribl as it sounds she just made things aqward as she knew nothing. But this time it was diffrent. This time it meant david defeantly wouldn't talk to me.

If that wasmt enough sasha was here too. It had been weird having her arround. Very weird. I didnt want her here, maialy because she made me think of hunter.

I sat in the car in silence. I didnt even bother putting my music on. I needed time to calme down. Not that i did. The time i was meant to use to calm down, my brain used to over think. Thanks brain-nice knowing you!

I honestly don't think there are many, if any, who hate there brain more then i do.im being deadly serious, everyone says i have controle- then why am i such a mess. I don't bloody choose it.


I walked in to kirans room slumping my self onto a chair and dumping my bag next to it. I slammed my head-on the desk looking out of the window.

"Ive got your work" he said passing it me.i stayed with my head on the desk, doing the work slowly. I had not intention of talking or doing amything but the work.

Throughout the day this didnt realy change. Even at lunch and break i didnt realy lift my head, appart from to eat an apple at lunch because kiran was threating to ring my psycholgest.

Kiran tryed to alk to me all day. He dismt get much reply. Sasha came in the room once to drop dowm some work. She tryed talking. That just emeded in a "im fime" line being throne at her. I had been bad beeing off but now i was at school, it was worse. I mean come on i wasnt even in lessons. How stupid is my brain.

By the time school end no dram had happens. I had just been depressed all day. As soon as i walked out of kirans room people were giving me dirty looks. How was this my fault!

Well ok id started the fight, but hunter hadn't half wound me up, he shoud of known what was comeing. That's what you get when your quiet, noone expects you to pounce, but you can and you will. People are way too wuick to jude.

Deapite the dirty looks no one said anything. That bit i was realy shocked at. School hadnt been half as bad as it could have. Atleast untill after achool. That's when it kicked off...

The next chapter is when it all kicks off BIG time. Hope you enjoy it!


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