getting serious

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This boy cries chapter 9

Id agressed to meet sasha and jessica at gates at the back of school in the hope that no one saw me as it was alwase dead here. It also gave me a little time to think. Things had been so crazy. I hadnt been here that long and already id been in a fight.

"WHY YOU BEEN TEXTING SASHA! I saw here texts 'MEET ME HERE!'  WHATS GOING ON!"  i heard hunter shout.

"I didnt do nothing" i sighed turing arround to fully face him as i straightend up from slouching against the wall.

I could  now fully see his face, not just out of the corner of my eye. He looked fuming. His face scruched up, his hands first, his whole body tence.

"Hunter calm down" i heard sasha say as my eyes adjusts to see her behind him, looking scaird and shook up.

"DONT LIE TO ME!" he snapped pulling out a kife. To say i was now scaird shit would be an under statement.

"H.hunter put it away" i begged weakly puting my hands up as sasha did the same.

"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!" he shouted as we shook.

"Hunter look at me, its ok" sasha cooed uneasily.

"SHUT UP" he shouted going for sasha but she moved as he stopped.


"-HUNTER IM IN CARE!" sasha spat out.

Everything stoped for a moment. He put his knif by his side. He still seamd angry.

"Tell me the truth sasha" he mumbled as he put the knife to one side

"Ive seen your parents" he added

"Its resent. I live in the same place as jessica, bens dad takea us placs" she explaiend truthly.

"Look me in the eye. Tell me your not cheating on me" he said walkimg towards her trembling figure.

"I wouldn't. I sware" she mumbled.

He put the knife in his pocket, snakeing his arms arround her. She shived at first, jumping out of her skin, but the then snaked her arms arround his neck, still trembling as they kissed and he left.

"You need to tell someone" i said once he wasout of sight.

"I.itsnothing" she awnserd

"Its happend before hasnt it" i replyed shocked.

"Not in so many words. It was just a slap. Ive had worse" she replyed mumbling the last bit.

"Your parents" i questiomed as she nodded shaking as more tears coming out.

"You need to tell so-

"I told someone about my parents. I got dumped in care. I tell someone abou him, ill have to move school. I have friends here" she snapped back.

"Well your lucky to get dumped where you did" i  argued back looking down.

"What's happened" jessica ssked comeing up to us.

"Nothing" we both spat as we walked off.

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