look who's back

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This boy cries chapter 25

By the time i was discharged it was late the next night. It takes ages to remove a section wich is annoying. Luckely i had some of my favirot nurses on but  then again the whole experience is never a good one.

As david came up to me they gave him some time so we could talke."when me and madline were talking, it wasnt about her beeing near the house. It was about her being spotted multiplp times near you. Our house is red flagged meaning non-uniform policw will protrole every so often. But they cant do anythig else as you refused protection and a new identity" he expleained. Now it all made sence. "Im sorry. I cause so many problems."i replyed. "Next time you speak to us" he replyed sterly as i nodded packing up my things as he drove us home.

Just be fore i got out david stoped me. "Jessica desuves some kind of explanation. She knows you were sectioned, you dont have to tell her much but shes been woried all night" he replyed as i nodded walking upstairs and nocking on her room.

"Jessica it me b-" but i didnt have time because she ran up, flinging the door open and hugged me.

"Im sorry i scaired you" i replyed.

"Its ok. I love you" she said wipeing her eyes. Only then did i relies her tired, worn out bags inder her eyes.

"It's not" i mumbled.

"Please just dont scare me again" she awmserd as we hugged again.

I then went into my room but madaline and David checked on me every two seconds. I could understand why but boy was it annoying.  I sat in my room doing some sketches. I felt so shook up and dissatached after everything. Nevers to leave the house again. Knowing mum was trying to track me. But i needed to carry on. I knew i could change my identity but i didn't want to. Why should i have to for her.

My mind was compleatly spinning when i get a message. It was off sasha.


Dont go  cazy but jess told me you ran away and that your safe now incase i knew anything. Im alwase here for you. Im seeing my pareants at the weekend so i think im staying at yours just so you know But social haven't finalised anything yet. Hope your doing ok now. Im alwase free if you want to talk


Thanks for tellig me. Im ok now, hope everyting gose well with them.


Thingers crosed. Seeing them in prission is gonna scair me like mad, But i still feel giulty. Mad i know


It takes time.Dont beat your self up about it.


thanks. I knew talikng to you would help. Anyway i better get bed so night.



I may of said night but it meant nothing. I couldn't sleep. Not at all. I sat staring at the wall. And staring. That's all i ever did.


"GO ON!ASK HER WHAT HAPPNED!" i shouted. "What happend?"my mum asked in a disinterested tone. "A abborted. Its nothing massive" she sighed. "Exactly. Ben you said you didnt want a kid with her, then your annoyed she abborts. What do you want the poor girl to do?" she realtaliated to me. "YOU TWO ARE USELESS!I HATE BOTH OF YOU!" i shouted sholder barging chloe who was on the door setp and walking out

***end of flashback***

.i didn't sleep at all. By the time it was 6.30 i got up and showwed before shovin on a black and white baseball top with dark jeans and a baggy shirt. I then went downstairs and ate a bannana before David told us sasha was comeing wich i already knew.

But 10 oclock she was here. She had a pink and white striped jumper on with  dark geans and a green duffle coat with her hair in a low pony.

"SASHA!" jessica exclamed running up and hugging her as she smiled.

"Hey you. Ive missed you" she said pullin away. I knew they talked alot and had grown realy close.

"Amd hows you?" she questioned looking up at me.

"Ok" i awnserd as she nodded unconvinced.

Sasha pov

I was shaking like mad. It was late atnigt and i walked down to see Ben makeing a drink. "Hey" i mumbled. "Hey whats wrong?" he asked."just nevours" i awnserd. "Your doing a brave thing. I wish i was brave" he awnsed. "Thanks" i mutterd looking down.

I made myself a drink grabbing some bisuets out of the cobard. "Do you want one?" i asked as he shook his head. "Have, have you ever had to see someone in prision? How dose it work?" i asked. "I wont see anyone i know who is or was behid bars"he replyed. "Why not?" i asked. "If someone hurts you...they dont alwase desurve a second chance. Most people do, just not the people i know" he explained as i nodded drinking my drink and heading upstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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