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This boy cries chapter 3

It was monday and so far despite beimg in most of her lessons, all in all, I had manage to stay away form sasha and hunter. Right now i was in art. Nothing had realy happend with Hunter, even in art, since my first day. After art hunter and sasha walked off imfront of me.

I knew they were a couple but theu were acting so snuggly today. It made me think of things. Things i didnt want to think of. Ever.

As i was walking to my next lesson kiran called me over. "Ben. Do you mind comeing down to my office?" he asked. "K" i said as we walked down into his office. "Your adopted mum wanted me to tell you...your mums been let out earlie for good behavior" he told me as i sat down. "You can go home if you want. Or stay in the office" he said. "I..ill stay here if thats ok" i said and he nodded. "Im here to talk if you want me to?" he said as i shook my head.

"What you got now?" he asked.

"English" i replyed, still in shock.

"Ill email your teacher to get some work" he replyed and i nodded.

"I should of know this would of happend"i sighed looking down., tears starting to trickle down my face. "Now shes could all start again" i said though the tears

"Theses still a cort order saying she cant see you till you 16 and even then you can re-aply" he replyed. "Even so. She'll find a way. She still dosent belive me and she wants me to pay" i munbled. "She wont. And if she dose, shell be back in prision. For even longer this time" he awnsrrd. As i nodded.

"I just wish...wish it had never happned. Me and her were never perfect. But she was just a bit of a bad mum. Now shes a name on my birth certificate at most" i wisperd shaking.

"It will get better. Your protected" he replyed as i nodded.

"Can you ring david. Ask him to pick me up after school. I dont want to go back with jessica"i awnserd.

"Corse i dont want you to hu-

"Sorry should of nocked" sasha said walkimg in. "Whats up with you anyway" she asked. "Can you get having a private chat with ben" kiran said sternly. "I was just bringing work down" she snaeared dumpimg it on the table and walking off.


After spending the rest of my day in kirans office i was wating for my car ride home when jessica came up to me. "Whats up?" she aaked. "Nothimg" i replyed. "I can tell your lying" she replyed. "And i dont care!" i snapped. "You know what, tell dad im getting the bus despite you getting a lift!" she snapped walkimg off.

"Dad?" hunter asked. "Her dad picks me up" i lied. "Corse" he said uncovinced walkimg off

wich is when i remeberd Everyne knew she was in care.

Once i got home i wemt strait to my room. I drew and drew. Passion flowing out of each and evrry line. Anger fowing out of every sroke of the pencil. But it didnt stop the erge. I needed a relise.

Before i knew it it was 10 ocock and everyone was asleep. Apart from me. I was in the bathroom. Throwing up. Again and again. Makeing my self throw up. I couldn't help it. Then i grabed the sizors of the top shelf. I wasn't suposed to know where they were. But i did. As the cold metal sunk into my skin, the matalic blood trickled out of my arm. The cold matalic blood, causimg pain and agony. I desuverd it. Every last scar.i desureved the pain that took over my brain. It stoped me, momentarily atleast, thinking of anythimg else. Suddenly all i could think of was the pain. But it was better then thinkig of other things. I knew i needed to just breath. Bit it was so hard.

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