pushing limits

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This boy cries chapter 18

I was shsking like mad. School started. I hadn't slept at all and had a night full of all the worst flashbacks. I slowly got out of bed, went to the bathroom, having a long wash, trying to relax my self. It didnt work.

I then shoved in my school clothes, headding downstairs and started to eat. I ate a peice of toast before heading out to the car.

First was touter. How that fight had started. On mondays wensdays and Fridays we had it before school and Tuesdays and Thursdays after lessons. I sat there trying to constrate and just listen to what they Were saying.

"Listen up.i have an importamt anousmeant" they saud as i tryed my best to focuse. "Next week there is a free adventure trip,and as the winning school of a local mag they desided to give it to our year wich has had the most... issues rescently" they explained.


Thats one way to put it. I guess. Touter was boring as ever but i tried to comstrate. It gave me time to thing about evryting and just breath.

After touter it was art. Id given up tryin to hide my love for it. But at he same time i didnt want to show off. I didnt want any attention. Id alreday had some dirty looks from what had happned, i didnt need any more bad press as they say.

Once it got to break i got a text of dave.


Got told about the trip. We realy want you to go. Its up to you but i think it wil do you good. Spoke to kiran amd hes going. Its up to you but i thought id text you so you can think about it.

I wanted to recover. Have fun. But was this a step to far. I dont know. The last school trip i went on was one ill try amd forget in a hurry.

As the rest of the day progressed nothing realy happend each was great but it made me feel stupid, id stressed over nothing. As usual. That why i couldnt deal with my self. I didnt even understand my own thouh patterns. How was I mean to get better if i didnt understand the problem in the first place.

By the time it was the end of the day i was mentaly exsorsted but i was being picked up wich was good.

Omce i was home i went strait up stairs to mu room. Id eaten breakfest and an aple for lunch and i didnt want anythin yet. I'd try later but i still felt so low. Even though makeing friends with jessica had realy helped. Knowing she exsepted me. She was like a sister, esspesialy now. She didnt know but she helped.

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