cry baby

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This boy cries chapter 7

"Hey psyco" hunter said to me as i was walking to my 3rd lesson. "Back off" i sighed. "Why were you crying in the counslers a little girl" he snigged as i stopped. "How do you know about that!" i shouted. "I find out things. Your in care arnt you?" he replyed. He was trying to wind me up and it was working. Realy realy well. "No" i denied. "Then what you doing hanging round with jessica. Do you love her" he said sarcastically. "No!" i snapped back. "SO YOU WERE LOOKING MY GIRLFRIEND UP AND DOWN!" he shouted. "NO I WASNT!" i shouted back. "YOUR A LIER!YOU WERE PROBABLY WITH THE SRINK CUS YOUR A RAPIST OR SOMETHING!" he shouted.

At that i lost it. I launched my self at him. I pinning him up against the wall kicking him in the balls. But he pushed me off punching my face as i slapped him But felt hands arround waist as i saw a teacher pull him away to. We were both still kicking and (tryig at least) continue the scrap. "Both of you need to calm down" i heard kirans voice from behind me. "Ben you go with kiran and ill take hunter" the other teacher said as i srugged kiran off going to his office.

I ran to his office chucking over the chair and kicking the wall till kiran got there. "I know you have mood swings but what on earth happenes there?" he questioned. "Sasha. She clearly told hunter things and he jumped to conclusions. Thinks I'm a girl and a rapist" i  shot though the tears.

"I think you should go home and come back whenever this situation with hunter is defused" he replyed. "I made my self a goal...not to have any time off bacause of my mental health" i awnserd. "You haven't since you started wich is brilliant. And we as a school are forcing you" he replyed sympathetically as i noded stainding up and lumping my black vans bag over my shoulder as we walked out to reception.


"Daves already beem called and he said we can take you home as hes buisy at home" he explained as i nodded walking out to kirans car. As I got in he tryrd to talk to me. As ever i wasnt haveing any of it.


I fell asleep at home and woke up to Jessica and Sasha comeining. What the fuck was she doimg here? What even..."what you doing here!" i hissed. "Shes in emergency care" madline replyed. "You have got to be kidding me. This is the cow that told hunter what she's seen!" i snapped. "Ben listen. You have all right to be mad at me. It was a mistak-"A BLOODY BIG ONE!" i shouted storming past her and going upstairst and slamming the door.

Within munints sasha was upstairs banging on my door. "Just let me talk" she snapped "over my dead body. wich im sure can be orranged!" i hissed slouching against the door."just let me. I want to talk" she replyed in a calm, almost sympathetic tone. "Fine" i sighed letting her in.

Sasha pov

"Wow" was the first word that came out of my mouth. His room had a small bed with blue walls and dark laminate floor. But thats not what made me go wow. It was his drawings. They were insane. "What?" he asked. "These drawings are amazimg!" i said Ponting to his art. "That stays between us" he told me. "Its nothin to be ashamed o- "what did you want to say!" he spat.

"I realy am sorry. Hunter wont touch you again i prommise. Ill make sure of it" i told him homestly. "How long you here for." he spat. "Till they get me a permanate place." i awnserd. "So its not just short term emrgance?" he asked as i shook my head. "Dose hunter know this?" he questioned as i shook my head. "And i want it to stay like that" i replyed.

"You can't tell peiple about my drawing or any one else about anything if you dont want me to tell hunter" he awnserd not looking at me.

"Blackmail. Very mature" i hissed.

"Its not. Im protectingmy self. I know this was an acsident. If its an acsident fine but i know when people are lying." he replyed.

"Had enough people lie to you?" i asked.

"Something like that" he replyed.

"That makes the both of us" i added as the tention droped a little bit.

"You reay are sorry armt you" he awnsers lifting up his head as we made comtact.

"Realy. I wouldn't lie to you" i awnserd homestly giving him eye contact as i walked out.

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